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OLD WIP (at 2:51)


OCR only has a few remixes of Jonathan Dunn's music, and more Dunn remixes can never be a bad thing. He worked for Ocean (notorious for lame movie tie-ins) but the guy put his all into his music.

This isn't his best (that would be the

), but it's funky and fun, and I liked it enough to try and remix it.

I didn't really try to incorporate the harsh marching beat at the beginning, and instead opted for a more light-hearted electronic approach. Because that's what you think of when you think of tanks!

I am in the final phases of working on this track (or at the least, I am towards the final portion of the song in my head, needing to make one more section and then the final resolution), so I would be happy to hear some feedback of any glaring technical issues or things that don't sound very right, or arrangement issues (though the song itself is pretty simplistic).

Thanks for listening!


ZX Spectrum, instant bonus points. :) The source is indeed pretty cool.

The quiet bits are way too quiet compared to the parts with the beat and the electric pianos. I really like the quiet bits. The middle break (from around 1:12) is a really, really nice mellow build-up. Actually, the rest of the song develops quite well right up to the end. The end is rather sudden, if that's supposed to be the end (I'm expecting you'll at least sound a chord in the end though). It could go on from that for quite a bit too.

I'd say the drums and the pianos are definitely way loud in the mix. The drums, especially the snare sound pretty exposed, which I think, despite creative sequencing, makes it sound kind of mechanical if that makes sense. Evening out the levels should help with that. You're also not using the piano sounds after the first "loud" section. The later loud-ish section works better than the piano part, which might be partially because of the more even mixing. The later part seems to develop much more naturally, while the piano part kind of lacks flow and is "jagged" rhythmically. Could maybe use some work on the writing to get it flow better, although I don't have any specific ideas for that right now. I do like the 80s digital e-piano sound, it's quite fun.

The intro is a good wash of synths too. Damn nice.


  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback, and I'm sorry it took so long to respond. I agree that the pianos could use some work, rhythmically speaking, though I wanted to tweak with that after I got the major parts of the song down.

For right now, I have a much more near-done track than last time (without the cliffhanger ending, too):


Any feedback from mixers, mods, and listeners appreciated.


I'm still enjoying this and am happy to see an update!

It almost feels like a kernel of three different pieces: the piano part, the outro, and the rest of it. The outro is super cool, but feels like it shifts into almost completely new territory. I really like it itself though.

I feel like the piano part could well be extended, with some lead playing added in. It's very brief as it is, and the flow to intro to the loud piano part back to the serene beginning of the middle part is kind of jagged. You could also try to include a little bit of the outro material into the earlier piano part to foreshadow it. (Working with the levels might also help to fit the part in better.)

The piano part seems to lack bass presence. Again, working on the levels will probably help.

I really enjoy the lead that develops during the middle section build up. Looking forward to the next update!



I suppose some better cohesion is needed. I like the foreshadowing idea; I'll try and work that in.

And you might be right that the beginning loud section is too short - that's another thing I'll try working on this weekend. It's not all that difficult to write similar-sounding sections anyhow. >.>

I haven't really given too much time into tweaking the EQ outside of my initial settings (after settling down with something that sounds nice), but now that the song is moving far closer to being finished it'll be something I'll try to focus more time on.

Thanks again for some really great feedback!

  • 2 months later...

Not as of recently - a lot of stuff has gone on since the last update!

I'm waiting for some definite free time to crop up so I can start working on it again.

school and work kind of came down like a hammer!

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