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Scary ambient stuff... At least at first before it goes batshit crazy :mrgreen:

Not sure about the lead at 1.15, but given how mad the rest of the mix is at that point I enjoyed it.

The lead at 1.43 almost sounds like it was lifted 'directly' from the original.

I'd also say the ending 2.36 to the end goes on a little longer than neccessary.

All in all though, good mix, very very good mix.

Scary ambient stuff... At least at first before it goes batshit crazy :mrgreen:

Not sure about the lead at 1.15, but given how mad the rest of the mix is at that point I enjoyed it.

The lead at 1.43 almost sounds like it was lifted 'directly' from the original.

I'd also say the ending 2.36 to the end goes on a little longer than neccessary.

All in all though, good mix, very very good mix.

Thanks! I can hear what you mean about the lead at 1:15, but I'm not completely sure what *should* go there instead. The one at 2:36 is not actually sampled from the game, but it does sound like the synth from the game, which is why I kept it. Yeah, in the next version, I'll try to shorten the ending a bit also.


I'd say the lead at 1:15 should be more legato, and only retrigger when needed. Try thinking of a smooth way to implement legato while taking that out at specific times. You could look at

at 1:39 for the idea I'm talking about.

2:17 could have a different mallet lead. I think the mallet impact there on those samples are a bit hard, so try out some other ones.

I also agree on the ending. It could end at around 2:50 or something.

Looking good so far though. Keep it up!


Nice chilled out feel, a couple interesting synths. Good start for a work in progress. A few synth choice are iffy, drums need improvement, and it could have ended a little sooner, as the others pointed out.

My thoughts while listening:

-the pad in the intro and outro is too loud and grating, it also seems left heavy

-that buzzing synth in the background is abrasive

-the lead between 1:12 and 1:38 sounds bland, it starts to get annoying about half way through

-weak, repetitive drums, need more variation and presence, especially in the middle section

Keep working at it.


Looking at it again.

At 0:27, the sidechained saw wave that comes in has a really high resonance level. Try reducing the resonance and detuning it a little.

The synth that pops in at 0:54 and 1:12 is a little treble heavy. Try low passing it slightly.

There should be a lead in to 1:12; at least, that's how I interpreted the direction of your remix. Then you should beef up those drums. Go for a big beat type of sound, considering a more obvious lead comes in there and ups the expected energy.

1:38 sounds like a breakdown section, or it sounds like it could be one. Try creating a lead in to it, and putting a long decay cymbal or something to that effect. The sidechained saw wave should be gone by now; keeping it for that long makes the piece sound more repetitive.

The sine lead at 1:38 sounds a bit shrill. Try layering in a square wave and having the sine wave only create the tone, not actually noticeably playing the pitches.

The sparkly pad that comes in at 1:56 has lots of high end. Try tapering off the EQ with a mild low pass.

2:10 - 2:12 is bare, and should have some notes leading into the next section, which sounds like the first part of the outtro to me.

Aside from that, I don't notice much else.

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, here's a few things I noticed:

Up until 0:50, the song doesn't feel like it should be at like -0.4dB; I expected about -0.8dB, to be honest, because of the things happening in the song. Try fixing the balances on your instruments. For example, the synth arpeggio at 0:58 is too loud. Try not to have things you intend to be softer be really loud. This should fix most of the issues. ;)

The kick you have right now is more of a dance-type of kick. Try to find a vinyl kick, as that's what I imagine would work here.

It seems to me like your snare at 0:52 at 1:38 has too much reverb. I think you should start over on its reverb wet/dry mix. Start the dry and wet at 0, and slowly increase the wet until you get what you want. If you're mixing on headphones, mix it a bit drier than you'd prefer because people tend to mix in too much reverb on headphones.

At 1:12, the clap-snare layer is fine how it is in terms of reverb, but try leading up to that section. Right now it's very sudden. Same with 1:38. Try something like a snare roll or a reverse cymbal.

At 1:20 - 1:29, the same lead notes play twice. Try adding more variation on it so it doesn't sound repeated.

Aside from that, that's not a very bad start at all. Keep it up!

  • 4 weeks later...

No problem! :D

Well, let's see...

The snare at 0:51 still feels like its reverb is a bit too much. Try to have the reverb there lengthen the snare's waveform, but not feel like reverb. e.g. Give it a sort of hissy tail to make it sound like it's in a room with really good acoustics.

At 0:58, the synth arpeggio still feels too loud; from what you wrote there, it appears the piano should be louder. Try increasing the velocities on the piano for that section and lowering the velocities on the synth arpeggio pattern on just that section until it sounds right. ;)

At 1:38, the solo(?) feels like it's meandering quite a bit. Try rewriting that a few times and picking the one you like best. :) Same at 1:55 with the EP. It kinda sounds like what I would have done in my first half year of mixing (been mixing for 1.5 years now). :P

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