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There are no Midnight Resistance remixes on OCReMix - that's just not right!

  • A month ago I'd never made any music on a computer before.
  • 2 weeks ago, I did a straight cover of BGM 1 to try to learn the ropes (https://soundcloud.com/insin/midnight-resistance-bgm-1).
  • Today, I still have an awful lot to learn about mixing and EQ (spot the compressor whacked on top of WIP 1 in an attempt to tame it! :(), among other things... - tips and feedback much appreciated!


WIP 1: https://soundcloud.com/insin/midnight-resistance-bgm-1-remix-wip1

The LMMS project for this remix is available at https://github.com/insin/lmms/ if anyone wants to dig into it.


I've had a Midnight Resistance wip on my harddrive for ages. It's about time i finished it. :-P

I prefer the Genesis OST which was arranged my Hitoshi Sakimoto but your take is truer to the arcade version.

(just for perspective)

Digs are as follows:

I know it's a WIP but there are some rather severe balancing issues. Some voices that should be in the background are too close to the foreground and overpowering the leads. Try backing off the volume and adding a low pass filter to knock off some highs. The more information in the upper end of the spectrum the closer it will sound to the listener.

I'm trying to get more familiar with the various electronic styles but this seems overcompressed. The drums are flat and there are no dynamics throughout the remix. Not bad for deathmetal but if you back it off just a little to let the drums come through i think it would be awesome.

Here's a little mixing tip: Start with all of the faders at 0 then start nudging them up starting with the drums first then pads then leads. Turn up your speakers and mix very quiet. This will give you tons of room for adjustments later.

I like what you have and i will definitely be watching what you do with this remix!


First of all, I'm not sure what you mean by death metal, Gar. This is clearly a dance/synthpop mix. :P

This isn't bad at all. The sounds you chose are really cool, and the song is upbeat and exciting. It's repetitive, but it's not with bad sounds, so it's not as bad. You just need to balance them better, give them more spatial arrangement, add proper reverb, and give them expressiveness (vibrato, tremolo, etc.).

EQ out any frequencies that you don't need in certain instruments. If you still have overlapping frequencies, use different instruments, or shift octaves. That should make everything clearer. Then add reverb where appropriate. Fact: Pretty much nothing in life comes without reverb of some sort. :P

Good luck with this. It might not be a fit for OCR at the moment, but it sure sounds good.

First of all, I'm not sure what you mean by death metal, Gar. This is clearly a dance/synthpop mix. :P

Sorry if I wasn't clear. In deathmetal compression to a solid rectangle is expected but for this mix there just isn't enough of a dynamic range. To me it sounds like many of the synths were running at their default volumes and nothing was balanced before exporting. Though I'm sure it was unintentional and more of a result of being overwhelmed by the various options while mixing.

However if the remixer knows how to pull it off, deathmetal esque compressing could work very well with this source.

I can't recommend this guy enough, check out Recording Revolution on youtube and go through all of this 5 min to a better mix. Good luck on the future versions!

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