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Hi all,

One of my last works, remixed from Castlevania II: Bloody Tears.

I absolutely know that this piece was already remixed to death, but it was actually made for a friend’s video, and not meant to be submitted to OCR.

But, hey you never know, and I am always curious to hear feedback from my fellow forumers/musicians here at OCR.

As a reminder, here is a link to the original (NES and SNES):

And here is my version:


Hope you enjoy.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thank you.


Mmmmm I really dig that kick drum. The crashes are mixed waaaaay too loud, and sound really static when played in succession. Light chorusing might help with that, and they might even benefit from some additional reverb.. the decay time is pretty odd

The chord progression is also pretty static, the track would benefit greatly from some changes there, especially in the bassline. A lot of the melodic interp and structural changes are pretty cool though, nice work there

Ope, ending was a little sudden, I think that could be doctored a bit too

I don't have the capacity for a full critique, my eye feels like it's about to explode from sinus pressure, not to mention I've already been up all night :P Sounds like a good start though, I'd like to hear it developed more


Thank you, Phonetic,

I think you are right for the crashes, I will experiment with the pointers you gave me.

Can you elaborate on what you mean about the oddness of the decay time ?

As for the chord progression, even if mine is mainly different from the original, I tried to not drift away too much from the "staticness" of the original.

Can you elaborate on what you mean about the oddness of the decay time ?

Sorry I took so long, didn't see your reply. What I meant is that there's a consistent decay to a point, and then it just suddenly drops off. like you've got a long decay but a short release, if you're familiar with envelopes; typically what works better for crashes is a longer release, because that's how cymbals sound in real life. They have a really sharp attack, then the sound starts to decay more and more slowly as it vibrates

Sorry I took so long, didn't see your reply. What I meant is that there's a consistent decay to a point, and then it just suddenly drops off. like you've got a long decay but a short release, if you're familiar with envelopes; typically what works better for crashes is a longer release, because that's how cymbals sound in real life. They have a really sharp attack, then the sound starts to decay more and more slowly as it vibrates

Just keep in mind that people can manually mute cymbals with their hands for a rock song ending. :P


Thank you both for your precisions. I choose this sample on purpose because I knew that there would be crashes in succession, so I opted for a short tail. I did not knew that it could sound too unnatural.

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