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The music file is:


The composer is:

Disco Dan.

What vsti guitar and warm bass is used in the MM3 BlueLightning_OC_ReMix.mp3 ?

The instruments i want is the pitchbend guitar and the warm bass pad under it. The first 30 seconds of the song.

And where is the FLP file of that song?

What vsti has exactly those two vsti instruments?

And which vst effects?


Dan can probably answer the specifics, including whether it's done in FL or some other software. Even better if he's got the project file, but it was made over 10 years ago, so I wouldn't count on it. FL would at best have been version 3.3 of FruityLoops - before it was even known as FL Studio - so it might not even have been made in FL at all. But I don't know.

The pad should be fairly easy to replicate. Start with a warm pad and eq up the vocal formants to get more of the vocal qualities in it, or start screwing with a vocal sample. There's a slight modulation on it, but I can't say whether it's a full chorus effect or a vibrato on the individual notes. Warm pad + formant + chorus should get you quite close.

The bass sounds like just about any old bass sample muffled and with its lows eqd up. You could probably get reasonably close in a decent synth too with some screwing with filter and amp envelopes.

The guitar is probably the trickiest to do, but so much of its sound in Blue Lightning is in the bending. With some screwing with the pitch bend cc and possibly raising pitch bend range a bit, you should be able to replicate the performance. Then it's just a matter of finding a similar enough guitar sound. Note that it's not single notes being played, but chords, or at the very least two notes at a time.

I'm doing this on low volume on speakers and I'm rather tired, so my ears might not be entirely up to par, but this should point you in the right direction until someone can answer with more specifics.

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