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The best velocity sensitive midi pads

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I've been looking for quite a while, but I can't seem to find the best midi controller pads. I really like the look of launchpad and midi fighter pro, but they aren't velocity sensitive. Maschine MK2 Groove looks nice, but it's really expensive. What are some of the best midi pads like those, but velocity sensitive for a reasonable price? (By the way, I use Reason 5 and Cubase 5 if it makes a difference.)

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it really depends on if you KNOW youll need a pad controller or not. if youre just starting out you could probably get an akai lpd8 used for like 30$ and that would get you started until you really needed to upgrade, if you decided that pad mashing was for you.

otherwise if you know you want to do it for sure i would say get the midrange akai pad controller (mpd 26?) and order a pad replacement kit online. The kit just makes the pads thicker which i believe is supposed to help with sensitivity. Memorecks on Youtube uses the replacement kit on some of his vids. You could theoretically get an mpk25 used on craigslist for like 150 and replace the pads, which might be more cost effective if you dont have a midi controller yet, and the feel would be the same. korg also makes a pad controller that if im not mistaken, skrillex uses somewhat frequently thats called the "Padkontrol". if i think of any others ill let you know!

Edit: You can sometimes find used Maschine mikros ( the mk 1 not mk2) used online for pretty cheap, like 125-150. you dont get the software with it, but its not a bad controller.

Edited by Esperado
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