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Getting a Sweet Funk Tone

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So I'm writing this track and it calls for some funky scratch guitar.

I want to get a sound close to the guitar in something like this


I got the technique, but can't seem to get a tone that's quite so..."bright" and punchy though and yes, I do have new strings on this guitar and am using the bridge pick up.

I'm thinking perhaps I just need to change up the amp sim or something. Basically, what kind of settings and/or gear would you recommend to get close to that sound with a POD HD and Strat style guitar? If you play funk music a lot, what do you use?

Here at home, I only have one guitar and the POD. If possible, I would prefer to just use that. If not, I can go over to a friend's place where we can experiment with just about every Jackson model they make as well as ENGL brand amps. However, I'm not convinced that is necessary at this point.

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