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When I'm trying to learn a song by ear, I usually listen to the song and try to play along with an instrument until I get it to sound right. But sometimes I have trouble differentiating notes. For example: when playing along with a song on my bass, I might have trouble telling if I should be playing D# or E. Usually just playing the song by myself helps me figure it out, but not always. Sometimes my two versions sound almost right and I won't be able to tell which one works. I'm not tone deaf, I just need to work on my relative pitch.

Sometimes I find humming helps... What do you guys do when there are no midis, tabs or sheets to help you out?


Sometimes i record the song i want to transcript to a wav file and run it in slowmotion. If it's low notes you can double the frequency to get the tone up an octave.


Everybody have this problem a while in the begining, just keep playing what you think is right(make sure you got it right if you are performing for people) and you will automatically learn the difference. I got the same problem myself when I started playing the piano, couldn't hear the difference of a major and a minor. I have played the piano in 2 years now and can play anything by ear, the key is practise.


I've been doing music for more than 7 years. :oops:

I started playing bass over 6 years ago and I can play chords on the bass just fine. :roll: There's nothing special about lower frequencies that stops chords from being chords. (but to answer your question: I can sortof play guitar and I'm learning piano)

I guess I'll try the slowmo wav trick next time I run into this problem. 8) Thanks guys.


I see...but learn the songs (simplified) on the guitar, before you try the bass!! You won't take any D# instead of a E when you're using chords. After learning the chords you can go on with your bass. You'll learn much more this way, than taking it in slow motion.

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