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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons 'All That Remains'

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Posted (edited)

Contact Information

ReMixer name: ladyWildfire, The Eluryhan

real name: Elizabeth Carter, Aaron Murdock

email address:

website: https://soundcloud.com/ladywildfire

userid: 11659, 29824

Submission Information

Name of games arranged: The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons

Name of arrangement: All That Remains

Name of individual songs arranged: Temple Ruins, Overworld Theme

Comments: This song will be featured on the upcoming Oracle of Seasons remix project, Lime of the Season

Temple Ruins

Overworld Edited by Liontamer
closed decision
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm struggling to hear enough source in this track. The first minute relies entirely on the four notes from 0:06-0:10 in the source. After the 1:00 mark, I'm really struggling to hear any source, I think it is loosely there but after several listens I can't pick it out very well. At 1:58 I hear clearly a few notes of the main Zelda theme, then it sort of loses focus again. At 2:42 the synth bell is playing the Temple Ruin source more clearly, but it seems so marginalized.

The sounds are nice, if a little plain. A bit too much reverb and low end on the piano, it gets a bit muddy.

That sleigh bell bothers me because it hits a bit behind the beat every single time, making the timing of the track sound off. The sleigh bell feels quite over-used by the end of the track. Some percussion changes would be welcome.

This is quite a mellow track, but it feels quite sparse for much of it. I feel like it needs quite a bit more development.

NO (resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

Chimpazilla has this pretty well evaluated I think; the source connection is tenuous in a lot of spots, and unless you really strain, the connection to the overworld theme passes by without notice. The soundscape itself is pleasant enough, and im not personally bothered by the reverb, though the sleigh bells do sound a few miliseconds behind and aren't treated with the same type of room sound.

I think adding more source that is dominant and identifiable would help this out for me, and while I am enjoying the mood it presents, it needs some further polish before i can give it a yes.

No, please resubmit

  • 1 month later...

There might have been just enough source here for there to be dominant source usage, but it's close. Between 1:02 and 2:42, there's a lot of stuff that sounds kind of like the Temple Ruins and not a lot that actively uses it. It may be beside the point, because there were other problems.

I thought the song started well, if the bell was a bit mechanical. The mood you guys crafted was eerie and played with the source in a fun way. The pad coming in brought a bit of a misstep in that it took up more room than it should have, and things evolved a little too slowly. 1:30 was another strange change, as the piano came in but the pad left, leaving the soundscape a little empty. I thought the stark, simple writing here coasted way too long, especially with the left hand of the piano barely changing. The piano itself was also not a very good sound - way too dark and bassy, and the playing was mechanical too. As I mentioned, I struggled to hear any source in this entire section. The section starting at 2:42 made some interesting modifications to the source, but then the very end was a little sour because it exposed the low-quality of the piano.

Overall, I had a hard time seeing what exactly you wanted to do with this song. I can see a somber, simple version of Temple Ruins working, but the writing was unfocused and the piano needed to be a lot stronger. Even if you're trying to go for a muted, lo-fi piano sound, it needs to sound more realistic. Sorry to be harsh, but I feel this needs a fair amount of rethinking.

NO (resubmit)

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