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I don't mean to be rude, but after 148 views of this thread and 27 listens of my reorchestration (and six days), I would think that someone would have commented. If you view this thread and click through to the song, please comment either here or on SoundCloud on what you did or didn't like. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.


It's pretty short and pretty straight of a cover. It's a very nice cover, but I think it has the potential to be more than that. With the orchestra, it would be nice to hear the intro extended a bit more, maybe slowly bring in all the instruments before segueing into the full theme? Something to make it last longer and feel more like a "piece" and not just a higher-res re-orchestration of loopable BGM.


I agree with extending it and slowly come in with the instrument one by one, you got some good points omnipotentBagel, i am still newbie here at the music department.

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