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*NO* Pokémon Silver Version 'Johto: Now and Forever!'


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Contact Information:

Remixer Name: Chris | Amaterasu, DavidRussell323, Subakuryu, 8BitBridgadier, MarcPapeghin, MaximimHamburgers, SongeLeReveur

Real Name: Chris Woo, David Russell, Kris kainga, Dan DeSimone, Marc Papeghin, Mitchell Cairns, Emeric Slr


Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/8Amaterasu8

User ID: 35078

Submission Information:

Game: Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal

Name of Arrangement: 'Johto: Now and Forever!'

Name of Song Arranged:

Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal - Ending

Link to Original:


Ok, first off a big sorry for the gigantic list of names at the top!

Earlier this year I started a big collab arrangement of the ending theme for the second gen pokemon games. It was an interesting project because I left it totally open for anyone to opt in or out on one of the youtube musician group pages. In the end it yielded some very atypical instrument combinations and a real mix of styles. In the end I think it was for the better, and we were all happy with our this collab turned out.

My favorite pokemon games are the second generation one, and it was my goal to do the games justice. The sense of completion and the energetic nature of the melody were things that I tried to preserve. I also wanted to feature each instrument throughout the piece and give a real virtuoso element to it. I think everyone really adopted that idea well!

Throughout the song, you'll hear the piano doing runs here and there, the bass guitar doing some crazy things, the appegiated section in the middle - lots of cool fun things to listen to I think!

Initially this was going to be a straight cover, but the more people worked on it, the more they added of their own style and flair to it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy our group rendition of this epic ending theme!

(btw if you want a diff quality version I actually haven't lost the source files this time)

Youtube is here:

Download Link:


Edited by Liontamer
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This is a really fun take and the performances add a lot of flair and personality. I enjoyed it quite a bit and it was much more dynamic than the source tune. The mixing was not as strong as I would like, and the drums in particular were pretty buried and weak. There's almost no backbone to this song with the drums sounding that way. I could see it passing anyway, because what's here is that strong, but it doesn't pass muster in my eyes. Overall volume level should probably come up too. Please fix the mixing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow that's a lot of people working on this track. All the performances are quite good, but they all seem to be competing for lead position all the way through. The violin and flute and recorder are the worst offenders, instead of supporting each other and trading off, they are all playing some pretty busy writing at the same time, causing the track to lose focus and sound jumbled. The bass is also playing like crazy underneath it all. It's just too much happening.

I think if you revisit each section and decide which instrument is the lead in each one, and carve out room for that instrument to take the lead (either with volume or eq automation, or both), that would help. Also the drums don't have a lot of presence, they do sound quite distant and buried.

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Great votes above by Vinnie and Kristina. There are a ton of great performances here, but the mixing is really the biggest thing holding this back. Drums are really subdued in the soundfield and the various elements are competing for the performance spotlight. With how busy the performances are, it's going to be a big challenge getting everything to mesh together without stepping on each other's toes, but I think it's achievable.

I'll just add that in general, the mix sounds a bit on the quiet side. Given that it deals with organic instruments, I'm not saying you should squash the crap out of it. Consider looking at drum compression first to get the kit to the appropriate level, then overall mastering compression to get decent saturation without losing the nice dynamic curve you have here.

This mix is super cool and I'd love to hear it on the site. So, here's hoping you can get a tightened up version back here soon.

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