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Welcome to the Mines (Mining Melancholy) - DKC2


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Here's a remix of Mining Melancholy that I've been working on for the past month. I've heard my remix so many times, I can't think of anything else to do. I'm not too hot on my lead synth, and I feel like parts of the track are a bit muddy. Also not sure about the volume.

All feedback is welcome. Let me know what you think!


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At the beggining it sounds like a remix of Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time (especially the melody that the synth plays)!

Anyway, I like the synths at the intro. Snare sound is a bit too tame though, add some more noise to it!

I felt the part beggining at 0:26 was a bit repetitive, maybe you could repeat it less times? Or add more variation, not sure. By the way, is the melody there suppossed to reference the original?

Nice change at 1:02. I love the bass sample, sounds very DKC2-ish. Lead is nice but the release is weird, like too sudden.

Sample at 1:23 is a bit dull, I'd spice it up a bit. For example, the sounds you used at 1:55 are much more interesting.

Overall, this is cool but a tad repetitive. You could attempt inserting some more natural sounds (I mean, not synths!) here and there for some variety. Drums are a bit tame in my opinion, the ride cymbal sample is barely noticeable.

Nice job!

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Man, this sounds like it could really shine as a downtempo track rather than a dance track. For the most part, I thought everything before 1:22 was pretty cool. On to the rest, 'cause so far it seems quite good. The C64 arps really work in this. Ignoring the drums for now, will get to them later in this post.

1:22 - 1:54 has some rather bland sounds like jnWake suggested. The soundscape also sounds bare at 1:22 - 1:38, despite the reverb+delay. The bass at 1:38 - 1:54 also sounds a bit mechanical (wut, a mechanical synth bass? Yeah, I did mean it =P); maybe a filter LFO on it can add some motion to the timbre. I like the lead at 2:04. Get that level of expression in your bass! =) 2:05 sounds like a climax to me, just FYI.

2:25 - 2:36 sounds vaguely pop-like in the breakdown section style. Not that it's a bad thing. 3:02 - 3:12 could use some less rigid sequencing; maybe some syncopation can add interest. 3:32 - 3:48 does that well, IMO. (Notice the cut-out ending though)

As for the drums, I think they could punch through more. To me, they sound most polished at 1:02 - 1:21 and 1:38 - 2:24. The ride also sounds kind of "unfitting" (it's kinda acoustic rather than electronic).

Sounds good so far! It has potential to become really cool, so keep working on this! :)

Edited by timaeus222
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