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So yeah, I went and saw it last night, and while there were some parts I really enjoyed, I thought it was pretty lackluster as a whole... They have the cast to make a really, REALLY amazing Spider-Man movie, and it just hasn't happened yet. Looking back on my experience, it was like a less-bad-Green-Lantern, in that during a lot of it I kept thinking, "what could they have done to execute this specific part better...?" and couldn't come up with much. Which usually means that one aspect/scene was a shitty idea to begin with and should've been scrapped during the writing in favor of something that would work better, instead of using post-production tricks to make it seem better than it really is.

That being said, I still love Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, and the chemistry between him and Emma Stone was really really good (even if the writing wasn't always that great...). I just wish the movies were written better. I don't even really care if they don't follow the comic story lines (new material never hurt anyone), just don't make it stupid. Imo, the whole reason to make a new (different) story is to pace the story better and make it feel more natural in movie format, whereas everything seemed really contrived in this instance. Again, I can't really fault the actors at all, everyone did great with they hand they were dealt, but I can't help but feel like the deck was stacked against them



They did, however, do an incredible job of making me profoundly depressed when Gwen died. It stuck with me into this morning even. Which is INSANELY frustrating, because it says to me that they're *capable* of writing something that will pull you in on an emotional level and it just didn't happen for about 90% of the movie


I thought it was harmless fun, mostly enjoyed it for the action and Electro (particularly cause of his awesome - if somewhat cheesy - theme music). Kinda miffed that Rhino was relegated to a last-minute cameo even though he's on the fricking poster.


Haven't seen it yet but since Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, it is a requirement I see it, crappy or not.

Honestly, from the first film in this new reboot, I came to the conclusion that Toby was a better Peter and Andrew was a better Spider-Man. Toby was way better at being the nerd college student, Andrew was way better at being the entertainingly cocky Spider-Man we all love. I just wish there'd be a combination of both so we get the perfect Peter and Spider-Man in the same movie hahahaha

Oh, and for the record, Pete, everyone knows Gwen dies anyway. That's just part of the story. Heh heh.


I think it was a fun movie. Better than Raimi's Spider-Man in several regards. The biggest issues are the overload of disparate plot threads in the first half, and again the omission of J.K Simmons as J Jonah Jameson (this is still the most perfect casting of any comic book character). I think Garfield is the superior portrayal of both Peter and Spider-Man. I never got any substantial geek or science vibes from Toby's parker. It was just something he studied but was otherwise never shown to be an actual passion in his life.

The score was also a complete turnaround from the throwaway dullness of the first ASM's score. It has much more personality, and the main theme actually has the balls to be a classic uplifting superhero theme with brass fanfares and all. I was surprised Zimmer's name was on this. This is what Man of Steel should have sounded like in the first place.

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