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Bravely Default - World of Scattering Flowers Cover


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Hey, guys! I thought I would put this finished cover out there for critique. It is probably one of the best covers I have done so far, and I am always looking to improve. This was more of a straight cover, with a little bit of artistic creativity. If any of you can understand or speak Japanese, your feedback on my singing would be MUCH appreciated. :)

Breakdown on the recording/mixing side of the cover:

-Every violin or vocal recording has a reverb preset attached to it to add warmth and increase depth of recording

-There are two recordings of each violin take, each panned either left or right to create a fuller sound

-VST piano from FL with a reverb preset from FL

-string section (during vocal part) was mixed and sent to me by a friend who plays viola

-Recorded an analog clock with microphone to produce the ticking noise

Like I said, if you have any suggestions for better mixing, recording, anything... just let me know! :)

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Hm... I wonder if you used a microphone that recorded in mono (I know mine does :whatevaa:), because I think I'm hearing a slightly weird phasing, perhaps phase cancellation, when the violin recordings harmonize (this is not a big deal xD). I don't really know much about what microphones are good, but I think phasing happens less when layering similar stereo recordings because you can then literally stand to the left or right of the microphone and the way the sound compresses the air should sound different enough depending on how (bent over a little, leaning a little to the left, etc.) and at what angle from the microphone you stand. When you electronically pan, I think of it as you're panning/moving the whole signal to a side, but when you're in a room, the "panning" is just where you're standing, and however wide the reverberations are is set by the room size. In other words, DAW panning is kinda like... uh... moving your walls. :lol:

Sidenote: sound travels by compressing the air, and the air next to that is stretched a bit, similar to a compression wave on a slinkie.

I think the Japanese pronunciation sounds good. I had a friend who was into singing Japanese music in high school and she pronounced it similarly. The performance itself had some great expression, and I think it sounded good overall! :)

Nice mixing on the piano! It's far enough in the back that the fakeness doesn't come through as much, but not so far back that the harmony it provides can't be heard.

Edited by timaeus222
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Oh, I see! I am pretty sure I recorded the violins in stereo, but digitally panned them left or right. I believe that if I had added a third violin recording to each part, and left that in the center, it would probably sound a lot better. I did that with my J-E-N-O-V-A cover and I think it does make a difference. If you want to listen to that one for comparison, here's the link:

Thanks for the feedback on my Japanese pronunciation and the piano mixing! I'm glad they sounded good :)

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Oh, I see! I am pretty sure I recorded the violins in stereo, but digitally panned them left or right. I believe that if I had added a third violin recording to each part, and left that in the center, it would probably sound a lot better. I did that with my J-E-N-O-V-A cover and I think it does make a difference. If you want to listen to that one for comparison, here's the link:

Yeah, I think it does sound better! Or maybe I'm imagining things on the BD cover =P

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