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Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time (in something of the electronic genre)

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Hey guys, been a while since I've posted something here. I feel pretty good about how this remix has turned out so far, so I'm intent on submitting it. Just looking for general feedback, any comments are welcome.

It feels almost finished, but more feedback doesn't hurt one bit. Thanks so much in advance for taking any time to listen/respond, I appreciate it immensely.



Well, considering this is supposed to be Chillout, I think a few things don't work based on how they don't keep the mood. The PWM lead and the dance kick make it more energetic rather than keep things ambient-like. The lead is too abrasive, while the kick reminds too much of high-energy hip-hop. Perhaps the lead can work if you low pass it so that it sounds more distant, but I think the kick needs to be a different sample.

Also, the sustained lead that plays with the tremolo pad is different, but sounds about as abrasive as the other lead, and again sounds not as ambient as the other instrumentation. The FM bell in the breakdown section might benefit from going up an octave, as it seems a bit atonal on this octave and might not seem like something to focus on.

Other than that, it's a good take on the source. There are good ideas here, but the things that stick out just need to be pushed down a bit.


I mean, it's not really "supposed" to be a chillout track, but I can totally see where you would grab that from. I was just looking to write something interesting. Thanks for the ideas though, I think I'll try something like an 808 kick and see how that sounds. Been thinking about changing the snare too, perhaps to something with a different release.


I'm a far cry from an expert in chillout/electronic/dance music, but I like what I heard overall. The strongest point, for me, was towards the end where you introduced a couple of new harmonies with the melody. It could do with more of this. Other than that, there's not a whole lot of "new" melody or harmony in it.

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