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Hi guys, I started my own Patreon page. It's sort of like a Kickstarter, except that your pledge would be an ongoing payment to help me pay off the bills of my creative outlets. I currently host The Duosis Radio Hour, which features my own transformative work alongside my favorite tracks of other people. My ultimate goal is to expand the show so that it encompasses a wider range of media. Hopefully I can break even since I'm currently creating at a loss. Check out the rewards for your patronage:

For $1 a month, you get instant access to The Flappy EP, exclusive to Patreon! This EP features three unreleased songs and the Duosis hit "

". You also gain access to my Patreon news feed with exclusive sneak peeks on upcoming radio broadcasts and works-in-progress.

For $5 a month, I'll fulfill your remix requests! If you have a favorite song that you'd like to see get the Duosis treatment, you get top priority. The resulting remix will be played on air with you credited as a supporter. A high-quality download of the remix will also be sent straight to you.

More rewards and benefits will be announced soon. Thanks for your support!

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