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Anyone else out there been playing the beta on Steam? I know the Legacy of Kain fanboys and girls hate this game solely because it doesn't follow legacy of kain perfectly and is a co-op pvp game.

Basically, if you don't know, this is a humans vs vampire game. Currently the only mode is a 4 vs 4 team death match. The humans play like an over-the-shoulder, Resident Evil 4 style shooter where as the Vampires are strictly 3rd person melee fighters who are extremely deadly when faced one-on-one. This where I think a lot of n00bz go wrong and falsely claim that the game is unbalance in the vampires' favor.

You see, the strategy is different depending on which team you are. Humans are incredibly efficient when close together, indoors and concentrating their fire on a single vampire at a time. The vampires don't require as much teamwork, but instead their character classes all have different skills intended to break the humans up. I was playing with this one guy earlier who wouldn't quit bitching about how the humans "are just camper n00bz". I lold'. This isn't Call of Duty - the humans are SUPPOSED to stick together and hide out.

It's an interesting game and I'm having a ton of fun with it. Anyone else have any thoughts on it? Love it? Hate it?

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