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Final Fantasy VIII - The Oath (Orchestral Rearrangement)

Limit Break

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I made a rearrangement of "The Oath" from Final Fantasy VIII the other day, It's basically an intimate and emotional re-orchestration of the piece.

I'm not sure if I should submit it or not though, it's kinda short! :-?

What do you guys think about it??

Link to the song:

This is also the piece I introduce myself with to this awesome community!

I've been following OCR for years and I dream to post a remix on this site someday.

Nice to meet you all. :D

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Nice way to welcome yourself to OCR - this is pretty cool stuff. :)

It's not an official Mod Review, but I'm feeling nice so I'll give you a nice critique, anyway, since you're asking. This track is very pretty, but probably wouldn't make it through immediately due to the conservative nature of the arrangement. I like to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with being conservative - it's just that as according to site policy OCR is looking for arrangements that include more personal deviations from the source. Take a listen to some music posted on the site and listen to the differences between those songs and their sources, to get a good solid idea what the site is after.

I like the idea of an orchestral track, and what you have works pretty well, in that regard. Quality-wise, though, the instruments are quite mechanical. It's not easy to make them sound more realistic, pending on the sample that you use, but varying the volumes, attack envelope, etc. will help make an instrument sound more realistic. It's not easy to get it just right, though, without doing some active research into what instruments sound like. It's tough work, but the end result is very much worth it, if you spend the time mastering instrumental arrangements.

You kind of got a lucky break from me this time (I normally stick to Mod Reviews, when I post in here), but I suggest reading the stickies on how to use the WIP boards, too - it explains how the prefix system works, and what prefixes to use when you want critique, a review before posting on OCR, and when you just want to show off a cool song. Check it out, it'll make things easier for you.

I like the idea, and the song is pretty sweet, in its own right. OCR can't take it due to being conservative, but it's a great starting point! I hope to see you posting more on the WIP boards :)

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Nice way to welcome yourself to OCR - this is pretty cool stuff. :)

It's not an official Mod Review, but I'm feeling nice so I'll give you a nice critique, anyway, since you're asking. This track is very pretty, but probably wouldn't make it through immediately due to the conservative nature of the arrangement. I like to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with being conservative - it's just that as according to site policy OCR is looking for arrangements that include more personal deviations from the source. Take a listen to some music posted on the site and listen to the differences between those songs and their sources, to get a good solid idea what the site is after.

I like the idea of an orchestral track, and what you have works pretty well, in that regard. Quality-wise, though, the instruments are quite mechanical. It's not easy to make them sound more realistic, pending on the sample that you use, but varying the volumes, attack envelope, etc. will help make an instrument sound more realistic. It's not easy to get it just right, though, without doing some active research into what instruments sound like. It's tough work, but the end result is very much worth it, if you spend the time mastering instrumental arrangements.

You kind of got a lucky break from me this time (I normally stick to Mod Reviews, when I post in here), but I suggest reading the stickies on how to use the WIP boards, too - it explains how the prefix system works, and what prefixes to use when you want critique, a review before posting on OCR, and when you just want to show off a cool song. Check it out, it'll make things easier for you.

I like the idea, and the song is pretty sweet, in its own right. OCR can't take it due to being conservative, but it's a great starting point! I hope to see you posting more on the WIP boards :)

Thanks for your time and the precious advices!

I'm looking forward to post more stuff as well, this seems like a pretty good community to grow in :)

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