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Megaman 3- Snake Man


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There's a bit too much bass at 1:57 - 2:20 and 2:46 - 3:03 for me. It's just flooding my headphones. I'm using pretty generic Skullcandy earbuds right now, so I would expect some people with $15 earbuds to hear this too.

Arrangement-wise, the drumwriting needs a lot more variation. It's just a basic copy-pasted pattern right now, from what I'm hearing. I don't really hear any fills besides in the transitions here and there. Also, Snake Man is really hard to hear at 0:44 - 1:02. Those notes are too short and just sound like blips. The decay should be increased from a higher starting point so that people can tell what notes those are. The melodic writing at 1:36 - 1:53 is also very repetitive. I know that's supposed to be a buildup, but it feels like it's plodding along until the leadin snares come in at 1:47 (although it's hard to tell they were snares until 1:50). Maybe you could make the lead timbre more dynamic with filter modulation or something more creative.

So overall, the drums are too repetitive and transitions are not foreshadowing clearly enough for me that a new section is coming up. The lead and arp sound design are also pretty basic, sorry. :| Also, the source tune should be more prominent. I have to try pretty hard to notice what it's playing sometimes. On the bright side, the drums are produced relatively well, and in general the pacing would be fine for a club context if the drums had more fills. Other than that though, I'm just not able to find something to reel me in. This needs more substance.

Edited by timaeus222
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Thank you for the critique timaeus. This one is a new logistical approach I'm taking with mixing, usually I hang around a mix listen, tweak, repurpose and tear down and try and identify each piece to be fleshed out ending with a mostly finished project. I'm going ground up with this one and then see what happens, as opposed to mixing mostly finished, then making minor adjustments.


So overall, the drums are too repetitive and transitions are not foreshadowing clearly enough for me that a new section is coming up. The lead and arp sound design are also pretty basic, sorry. :|

No "sorry".....this is the feedback that builds better mixes, thanks again!

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