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*NO* Streets of Rage 1 & 2 'MegaMix'


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I have just finished my remix of some of my favorite Streets Of Rage songs. It's available from the following location:

ReMixer name = Wilco Ibes

Real name = Wilco Ibes

Email = mail@wilcoibes.nl

Game remixed = Streets Of Rage (1 and 2)

Comment: Streets Of Rage 2 has to be one of my favorite games, combining classic linear arcade fun with an amazingly cool soundtrack. I had a great time remixing some of my favorite tunes from Streets Of Rage 1 & 2 into a 4-minute party mix, updating the overall soundspace yet staying true to the original sounds. This mix does not contain samples from the original tunes and everything has been played/recorded/programmed from scratch. Reason was used for pretty much the whole mix, except for the final mastering which was done in SoundForge.

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I like the arrangement of this, you've blended the tunes together very well!

For me the biggest issue is the sound design and texture. There are so many background synths and apreggiators and stuff going on that the mix feels swamped and over loud. The texture gets better as the mix moves on, but especially in the first half of the mix, it's way too much.

In addition, some more original elements added such as your own interpretation of each melody just before it blends into the next one would put this mix up a level. The ending was quite disappointing, the fade out wasn't truly complete before the song cut off. I would definitely like to see a resub of this, with a more balanced eq (tooo much treble, due to too many synths), and some original melody lines.

NO (Please refine and resub)

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I think the density of the song is a strength, not a weakness. or at least it could be, if the song werent so dense the whole way through. as it is, this track could be great if there were some, ANY amout of dynamic change. the level is constant throughout the entire track. this is not okay. loud loses its meaning if it's always loud. you need to have quiet as well.


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http://project2612.org/download.php?id=53 - "Fighting in the Street", "Violent Breathing"

http://project2612.org/download.php?id=56 - "Go Straight", "Dreamer", "Wave 131"

Interesting conbination of SoR1's "Fighting in the Street" & SoR2's "Go Straight" for the intro, though it doesn't sound very musical to be honest. I agreed with Malc that everything was too loud and cluttered. Vig's right in that by incorporating more dynamic contrast, things would sound less taxing on the ears and present a better arrangement.

The arrangement seemed ok; nothing I would pass, but I appreciate the blending effort. Nonetheless, the meshed backing sturcture of "Fighting in the Street" & "Go Straight" dragged on for too long, lasting until 1:50 of a 4:03 mix.

Moved onto to a mesh of "Fighting in the Street" and SoR2's "Dreamer" at 1:50, which had me groove biased with the melodic Koshiro hooks, but still had the same volume and intensity as everything else.

The transition at 3:19 into SoR1's "Violent Breathing" & SoR2's "Wave 131" was pretty awkward and merely jarring. Make the transisition more gradual. This mesh, IMO, worked the least out of all of the ones presented.

The meshing is a cool concept on paper, but you really gotta learn more if you want the finished result to lock together and sound cohesive. The mix doesn't feel like it evolves on account of the volume, and, beyond meshing the various theme together, the melodic content wasn't very interpretive at all. Keep at it though, you show potential, bro. Stick around the ReMixing and Works forums to learn more about arranging and solicit feedback.


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