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*NO* Earthworm Jim 2 'Not Tangerines Again'


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*ahem*..... THIS TRACK IS MASTERED TOO LOUD.  Man, that's a wave sausage if I ever did see one.  NO dynamics here, the track is relentless.


Lots of good ideas here, but everything is playing full time and it all competes for attention and frequency space.  Backing textures go on for way too long (they end up being repetitive), and too loudly.  Details such as your piano flourishes are drowned out.  Everything sounds very dry.  I suggest first, turn down your master limiter by a billion decibels, then go through the track and decide what should be the focus at each point in the song, and turn the other elements down.  Each instrument should have enough room to breathe within the track.


There's really no intro, and no outro.  Was the track designed to loop?  For OCR, it would be much better with a proper intro and outro.


There is some good writing and soloing in the track, but like this it's pretty much unlistenable.  Hit up our workshop forum if you'd like further advice to get this mix working properly.


NO (resubmit)

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Yup, pretty much on track with Chimp here.  It's hard to evaluate production or details on a track like this with things super squashed together like this.  Definitely pull the levels back and give this one a fresh mixing/mastering run.


What I do hear is a collection of some cool ideas that aren't yet sounding like a cohesive whole.  I wasn't sold on the drum pattern in the first minute.  The kit in general (and hats specifically) sounds disjointed.


While it's not a straight cover by any means, much of the source is used in a pretty straight-up manner with similar backing pattern, melody writing, and supporting stab parts.  I think there's more room for some arrangement personalization that could be explored.


Sounds like it has the potential to be a very cool, gritty rock/industrial take on the theme, but has quite a ways to go.  Keep at it.


NO resubmit, please

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