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Reason questions go here.

You've got Reason Rewired? Tried working with the MIDI stuff in there? Read http://www.flstudio.com/help/html/rewire_host_reason.htm and see if you can get more than one MIDI channel going. Reason should (if I understand it correctly) act as a multitimbral plugin; this means you don't open several instances of a plugin, just one that does its job with the "instances" internally.

However, that is only if I understand it correctly; corrections are welcome :).


Okay, plugging reason into FL is kinda weird, but thats beacuse ReWire is weird. Also note that I did this with Reason 2.5 quite some time ago, so stuff might have changed, or I may have misremembered.

Firstly, you have to choose whether you want to choose to mix the reason sounds in fruity or reason. If you wanto to mix in Reason, its all very easy - just drop a mixer down, plug all your instruments into that, and the ouput will go to whatever FX track the rewire plugin is set too.

If you want to mix in fruity, its a little trickier. Okay, you know that audio output thingo? that thing up the top with a gazzilion inputs? Yeah, that thing. How it works is this: the first two ports of that go to whatever FX channel the rewire plugin is set to. The next port goes to the next FX channel.

Lets say you have 4 instruments in reason, each going to the audio ouput thingo, and the rewire plugin goes to FX 11. Then hte first instrument will be on FX 11, the next on FX 12, the third on FX 13, and the forth on FX 14.

However, this raises a problem: except for the first pair of ports, all the other ports on the input bank thing are mono. You can get around this by doing some re-routing in fruity, but keep it in mind.

So I hope that explains all the reason talkign to fruity stuff. But I haven't talked about how teh notes get from fruity to reason.

Well, rewire takes MIDI info on a certain port and rewires it to another program. So create a bunch of MIDI outs in fruity - the same number as however many instruments you have in reason. Now set them all to the same, unused, port.... say, 50.

Bring up the ReWire plugin. Load up reason, so it will be in slave mode, and load your project with all you instruments. Now click on MIDI options in the Rewire plugin. Map port 50 to reason. Yay!

Now all you have to do is make sure the channels on your MIDI outs and the channels on you Reason instuments match up - just fiddle with the channel setting on your MIDI out until it works.

I hope that was sufficently comprehensive. I'm doing this from memory, so fogive me if I gaff something up.

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