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DOOM 2016


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Anyone else been playing the multiplayer beta this weekend? It looks like FPS games may be on the rebound between this and Overwatch.

I'm loving the crap out of this beta. It's very oldschool as it is super fast paced, really over-the-top and really fun. I was just going to play for an hour last night, but it turned into three pretty quickly. The lack of respawn time is also awesome - the game throws you right back in the action as soon as you hit the button just moments after dying. There are also no BS RPG elements that games like Blacklight Retribution have, so the playing field is level save for player skill, of course.

The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is that the winning team/player usually comes down to whoever had control of the demon the most. 

Good game, looking forward to full version, single player and more of that Mick Gordon soundtrack. :-)

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