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Radical Highway (Sonic Adventure 2)

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Remember when this site was really active and there was lots of feedback? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Anyway, this is a difficult tune to remix since it's literally the same guitar riff over and over. I would look at adding melody, solos and incorporating other sources into the remix.

The first thing that immediately stood out to me is that the low-end is out of control. High-pass the extreme lows from the bass and the bass from the guitar if you haven't already. Also, maybe do a sweep with an EQ and see about cutting slightly from somewhere between 100 - 300hz in either the guitar or bass or both.

The guitar itself could also use a bit more high end and maybe some cool filters or something to add to the industrial style. Also, which pickup are you using?

 Lastly, I don't really like the drums. If it were me, I would look into using breakbeat drum samples or something closer to a real drum kit because I think it would compliment the guitars better. Something along these lines:

Anyway, good luck with the mix!

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Thanks so much for getting back to me, it's great to get some thoughts on this.

Ironically I picked it as a remix because I thought it'd be easy to put together with being so repetitive.  Originally I wanted to try and blend it into "Supporting Me"/BIOLIZARD following the first... ahem... breakdown, but it just didn't really work when the two were put together and transposing either one kind of lost the recognisability of either end.  Either that or I screwed it up, which is more likely, lol!

I do have a mid-scoop on the guitars, but it's probably a bit high at 400Hz on the one guitar and 550Hz on the other.  Bringing that down a bit and un-disabling the high pass (I used to have one on there, not sure why/when it got disabled) helped un-muddy the middle in particular, thank you.  I will miss being able to stir my tea by leaving it near a speaker though.  :)

The guitar is the stock bridge pickup of a Steinberger Spirit running into a Pocket POD into a DI.  I do also have a small tube amp but with quite a narrow room to record in there's too much reverb and feedback to use it really.

Thanks again for the feedback, your example is pretty much what I was aiming for.  I'll have to have a play around with the samples at the weekend and see if something better can be done with them.

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