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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) 'Forest of Dreams'


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Okay, submitted a while back, but the host deleted it. Using google now.

Also, I apologize if you recieved an incomplete version of this e-mail, I think I hit the wrong button.

Sorry again, this one has a link. I feel really stupid now.

Contact info:

Mixer Name: Facelessman

E-mail: fayceless@gmail.com

Remix info:

Game: Donkey Kong Country 3

Soundtrack: http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/ddt.rar

Just something I made, almost a year ago actually. I haven't done much remixing since VGMix went down (doing more original music since then), hopefully I can get some newer stuff done and submit it. But anyways, it's an arrangement of the forest level(s) song from Donkey Kong Country 3. It focuses mostly on string instruments, with some echo effects and stuff. Enjoy.



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkdt - "Treetop Tumble" (dkdt-21.spc)

Interesting original. Pretty unassuming tune, not there to astound.

Pretty decent string opening, featuring some nice plucked string samples at :09 handling the melody, albeit conservatively. Some pizz strings joined at :25 along with some nice bowed strings harmonizing with the other instruments at :32; nice job adding those in so that it wasn't abrupt and didn't sound pasted in. Vox fading in at :34 was a nice touch to help fill out the track.

At :57, you can tell the track is supposed to escalate with those squeaky strings, but I thought the sample there wasn't used that well. The bow movements sounded really jerky and flat, making the attempt to create some dynamic contrast and energy not work as well as intended. Same at 1:29. The fuller sections all came across as flat.

Moves over at 2:01 into some pizz strings in the front while the source tune played in the back, then going back to the chorus at 2:17. Despite the effects, things there sounded rather hollow and empty. I liked the gentle ending from 2:34 until the end; some ideas were repeated, but I thought they worked beforehand and brought a sense of closure to the piece.

I think the sound quality and composition style is pretty reminiscent of the SNES, only upgraded; it honestly sounds like something Wise and Novakovic (Fischer) could do on the N64. But there's a significant lack of realism here that needs to be worked on before this comfortably moves over the line. Work on refining the sound of the various string parts, and perhaps think of an idea or two to pad the track out in places besides the vox. Good work so far.

NO (resubmit)

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This sounds very...stiff. Up until 0.58 it sounded ok, but after that, the string work was very unrealistic, the low cello being the exception. The mix sounded quite sparse at times, and I didn't feel that the source was expanded on much, if at all - the rearrangement factor here is extrememly minimal. This could have been taken much further.


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