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I'd noticed certain obvious similarities in title and lyrical content between these two songs, about a year ago, and wrote it down as an idea to mess with later. Well, a year later, I sat down and messed with it, and only a few hours later, I had a finished product. I've never had a song come together so quickly before. Anyway for people who like Dougan or NIN or just like amusing mashups, I give you Only Me (and Dougan):

Rob Dougan - There's Only me (instrumental and vocal versions)


Nine Inch Nails - Only (vocals and various bits - thanks, Interscope!)

neminem - Only Me (and Dougan)

Other mashups, of course, continue to be found at http://www3.hmc.edu/~afield/music/mashups.html

Let me know what you think!


It's so nice to hear a boot made with professional-quality indgredients :)

I can't really think of much to say about this one, because it all works. The vocals fit nicely over the Rob D track and the NIN instrumental elements are well chosen. The only part I'm not so keen on is the NIN synth which enters around 2" and contributes little more than hiss. It's a minor gripe, though, and it does add to the NIN feel. Like you said, 3 down, 7 to go :D

You know, until recently I was very ambivalent about Dougan, but you've almost singlehandedly converted me: to the point where I'm seriously considering buying the album - the version with all those lovely instrumentals, of course.

edit: provided your GYBO thread with a completely unnecessary bump

You know, until recently I was very ambivalent about Dougan, but you've almost singlehandedly converted me: to the point where I'm seriously considering buying the album - the version with all those lovely instrumentals, of course.

Glad to be of service! Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Dougan, even disregarding the lovely instrumentals he's provided us, and I always love sharing tips about good music with others - especially when it gets them to buy the album.

Dougan's album was seriously one of the first albums I bought, legally, with my own money, too (and totally worth it) :lol:.

Oh, yeah, also thanks for the GYBO thread bump. Oh, and also for the compliment.

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