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Stirring - OKAMIDEN (Latin Jazz Style)


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I made this last summer and it would be nice to hear some feedback! :D (like:what you think of the genre choice compared to the original or if it´s interesting enough to listen to etc)

It´s very simple (montuno piano and trumpet melody) cause it was intended for a cover

(i just signed up here so i hope i´m using this forum as intended haha)

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On 22 Mar 2017 at 0:13 AM, ongakuken said:
(i just signed up here so i hope i´m using this forum as intended haha)

Posting a game remix here? Yes, that's the point of this place. :D

Marking it for staff review/eval? I'm not sure. Did you read everything here? If you did, you forgot to link to the original. As per my own policy, if the remixer isn't linking to the source, I'm under no obligation to consider source when evaluating.


The piano sounds stiff, like the velocities were all the same. Maybe it's just a piano that isn't very responsive to velocity. It seems to have the same sound on the softer notes as on the louder ones. It makes it sound stiff and mechanical. That's not good for a track like this.

Piano+brass is a nice combo, but there are times where I feel something's missing. It might just be the mix, the balance. The piano is rather loud and dominates the piece, when it feels like the two instruments should have more interplay and their own moments to shine.

0:44 is a transition that doesn't quite work. It might, if it was a larger band. It might, if it was signalled differently. It might, if it was mixed differently.

I like it, despite the crits suggesting the contrary. If the original is anything like the music in Okami, it's quite a departure.

Ready for review is to be used when you think your remix is good enough to be submitted to ocr for an official mixpost, so that's what I'm going to evaluate. And it's a no. The piano is too stiff. The other issues aren't as big an issue, but they're still worth mentioning.

I also have no idea about how the source was handled (you said cover, so I assume it's quite close to source), so I can't comment on that. If it's too similar to the source (arrangement, sound), that's another reason for a no.

Welcome to ocr, though. :D Stick around, post more, and you'll probably learn to spot these kinds of problems earlier in the process.

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