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Hey there, I'm making a concept album for a TRPG, Leviathan Stadium Tactics. This track is for one of the optional battles against a legendary fighter, so you can recruit them.

The song's finished, and I'd really like some comments, crit, all the good stuff. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy.



Very nice. I like the little comments on the first guitar part and how this has a Kingdom Hearts 2 vibe to its drums and piano. I wouldn't mind if you scrapped the singing though. I don't really feel it matches with the rest of the tune properly. It sounds more like the kind of singing I'd like to hear on Banner Saga and judging by the picture and the rest of the composition, you have something else in mind. It also sound out of tune/polytonal. Maybe if you give a little insight on the lore I might assess this properly.

(I also happen to be a total tactical RPG addict. Can you give some insight on game mechanics, release date on Steam and lore?)

I find the lack of bass a little upsetting. It's not that it's bad or anything, It's just that I'm a bass addict. 

I also like the arpeggio section at 1:24.


Thanks for the comments! Unfortunately as a concept album, I've got the gameplay and all in my head as I don't know how to make games... yet. I'm actually looking into systems so I can make a shmup or TRPG. I currently want the one person to have 2 or 3 people always active in the open field with him, but he could use a manikin or summon to switch between other warriors he recruited.The modern fantasy world is based on a text-based RPG world I played in, one that would mix in fighting game elements as well.

Lore: The Leviathan Stadium hosts the Heaven or Hell tournament every year, and the main character (Jamaal Williams instead of a John Doe) is looking for members to recruit for a 4-member pick-up team. The Stadium is also notorious for having people trying to unlock its mysteries and tap into the raw magic connection it has to the world, only to be turned away by the fighters who treat the city built around the stadium as their home. A shady sponsor group emerges with enough fingers in enough pies to make some people question their motives. As an adventurer-- but not any special "chosen one"-- he tries to help out any way he can. His first recruit, D' Aire, is actually another longtime sponsor and tournament participant, and much more invested in figuring out just how dangerous the new group is. As she's much more equipped to make a difference, she ends up recruiting you to her investigation in exchange for joining your team.

The tune is a combination of three different themes. 0:42 is more my theme though it used to be Lazenca/main person you're fighting (also my icon image), 1:24 and 2:26 being the land they're from (Esteria), 1:44 being the music I named him after (embedded below), 2:05 being the battle cleric who led you to him as well as her religion's theme. The song is in a group of "Scion Battle" songs, and since the Scions are element-based legends of the stadium, they get songs with vocals; the namesake of the Stadium got a sea shanty in English and Esperanto and I'll post that soon enough.

I opted to have vocals for Lazenca instead of D's part because while she decides to test you by fighting with others from her homeland, the song's more for him.



Wait! I'm not the only one here making a TRPG all by myself starting by the soundtrack!?


The second track kicks ass and the chanting in the beginning makes MUCH more sense in it. Though the bass voice still irks me off a bit. Not really sure why, maybe it's something on the renderization of the audio or some technical issue. It might be something that the majority of the people won't get, but being a bass myself and having a story playing bass sax, I'm always wired to pay too much of an attention to the bass lines.


Good luck on your game and keep us posted on its update, yes?

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