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Robert Miles - Fable {DJ SymBiotiX Phantasmagoric Mix}

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Alright, so just recently one of my friends introduced me to the song Fable by Robert Miles. I have to say that I immediately fell in love with it. She asked me to remix it, and being the cool guy that I am, I decided to give it a shot. Its not entirely quite finished (its at a finished state, but I would like some comments and criticism to make it better). So far its only been mastered using my headphones. I will do the speaker tweeking once I Get home sometime.

So check it out guys

Robert Miles - Fable {DJ SymBiotiX Phantasmagoric Mix}


One thing first - no offense here, just a pet peeve of mine - don't stick your name at the start of something somebody else wrote. I mean okay it's like 'covers' or 'vs' but you haven't gotten rights to the song nor did you write it, I consider it a thing of respect to put your name after the song title i.e. "Robert Miles - Fable (DJ SymBiotiX Phantasmagoric Mix)".

Anyway, that out of the way. This is an old favourite of mine, this song, so I'll give this a listen.

I love your opening. Entirely original and some GREAT synth work and pads, I love how you've not taken the easy way out and just followed the generic trance 'template' rules. Very oriental sounding.

I'd like to hear if the song was to really kick off into some kind of full on trance/house piece, though, the song keeps building up like it's really promising a heavy kickdrum and some bass to appear but it never happens. Personally I wouldn't say that the pizzicato sounds which come in about halfway work, either.

Still, good stuff man, nice to hear somebody remixing an old favourite. =)


Hmm thanks.

Yea I always thought like artist vs. artist was alright, but from now on, I'll probably do it your way.

Anyways, yea I dont ever follow generic trance rules, heh I dont even know them lol.

My idea was to make it more dreamy/chillout, so I never really inteded it to go in to a big trance/house piece. and personally I like the pizzicato's :). Anyways, I dont like the ending. It just feels like it kind of drops. But, I think I'm gonna do something about that.


Cool track.

I don't really like the like 100% wet reverb piano or whatever at the beginning.

Pizzicato strings are VERY mechanical. Alter the velocities subtley and possibly alter the timing slightly so that they aren't exactly on the beat all the time. Humanization. I think they could use some more 'verb too.

Pretty cool though. I did kinda feel that the whole thing felt like a bit of an intro into something more intense but it was nice.

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