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Small Two Of Pieces For Baroque Contralto(remix title pending) NEEDS LYRICS

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comments/suggestions(other than lyrics)?: 

*I know it needs lyrics. I'll talk to either Ian Martyn from Materia Collective or Chaeley for some help with classical Latin stuff.


Hmm! May I ask what is this from? I like the idea, however for a 7+ minutes song wouldn't you agree that if you listen to it from top to bottom the ostinato is too "ostinato"? xD It's a perfectly valid composition tool! But maybe you could add a bit of variation to keep things more interesting? Just a though.

And I imagine the voice would replace this accordion-like instrument correct? Oh and do you already have the lyrics or that's for later? If possible, I'm curious to read them :)

I'd like to know more about this overall!


Ohh! Thank you for your offer, I opened it to see how was it constructed. As far as Reaper shows, it seems you have 3 tracks doing the ostinato, an empty one and the melody doubled in two tracks is that correct? I played around with it a bit and here's what I think. First thing I would do is remove the empty one and do something with the other melody track, maybe another backing melody to the third? Regarding the ostinato, at least use one instrument for variation, maybe some counterpoint with the melody or another rhythmic pattern, and even change the ostinato itself at times.

The main problem I see though is that listening to the same motif, and the same notes, and the same chords, and the same melodies over and over (and over!) is no fun! If one would dare to adventure themselves in such minimalist style, there's a lot of thought and knowledge that must be put into it to keep it interesting. An exceptional example would be the "Violin Phase" by Steve Reich, I recommend you listen to it (a little bit at least, it's not easy to hear through if you're not feeling it anyway).

While small changes could be made here and there, I feel this song needs an overhaul. It's very important to know what you want to accomplish and how you're planning to do so. And that's before anything though, so that's why I said I would like to know more about the source material before going into detail. If it's going to have lyrics, then they are crucial for this step, as they may determine the whole project.

In a nutshell, I don't fully understand it! What is it and why? I'd be glad if you could explain! :)

EDIT: Ok, so just clicked on it and it says on Soundcloud it's the Ending from Xenogears! I'm sorry, I don't know these games... So let's see, you want to do a Baroque cover of the song with latin lyrics? I'm still interested to hear more about what you're trying to do!


Ok that's better! If you want, you can keep the initial pattern you had for the beginning and then transition into this new one. I'm posting the original for reference:

Now, I see the ostinato isn't always present. How about we try reflecting that? In the second phrase, for example, minute 1 approx. At 2:10, after it returns, it gradually starts disappearing in favour of the string melody, which has been built up before that. I think this would be a good moment to change it to this new pattern you have! After 2:10 the texture becomes fuller and more orchestral, you could use those strings in your favour. Then, after the electric guitar solo, we have the climatic section, with solid percussive beats, more movement in the second contralto, the electric guitar and the very important flute, as well as the strings we had in the background until then!

Also I don't know if it's the instrument, but the parts which will have the contralto voices sound too low, more like tenor. I haven't looked into this and it could be just fine, but keep in mind the contralto range just in case!

I'd keep on constructing it, adding the missing flute melody, the guitar and other stuff, finishing both contralto voices and just finish it overall. As you intend to do a Baroque cover, use the instrumentation at your discretion with what you have available (i.e. turn the electric guitar solo into a violin solo etc).

PS. Also, please forgive me if in the previous post I missed the point at times, I didn't know how far was this in development or what the source even was! And this is quite the big project you have started too, keep up the good work.


Very nice! It's shaping up nicely. How are you feeling with it so far? I guess now it's all up to you to do whatever you like most with it, I hope I was helpful someway. Looking forward to seeing the finished result. :)


Hey Guys/gals: how many people here have played xenogears? I need some in game text that would work well to translate into classical Latin lyrics(and that fit the song) for the song Small two of pieces I don't want to use the English lyrics if I don't have to. put your text ideas here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bcWrFKQFHNF0PozLVWBJRlsOpvCm_gs0

the demo: https://soundcloud.com/caitrin7/small-two-of-pieces-for-baroque-contralto-demo-v3


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