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Final Fantasy VIII - Tell Me


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Sort of at wits end with this one. Been that way for a year or so now. Tried to expand on it in a few ways but every time I do, I make it worse (in my mind) in one way or another. As a piece for me, the artist I'm actually fine with that. Not everything has to be... transformative. But as a ReMixer, I wish I had more so I could give this a puncher's chance for submission. Anyway, I think absent any new ideas, I'm ready to send it along it's way to the judges and let my journey with this song end. But before then I figure why not get another voice or two to help.

PS: I promise to one day stop doing so many FFVIII tracks ?


Edit: one thing I hadn't considered is possibly crossing it with another track to give it more length/development from an outside source


Edited by H36T
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