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-Welcome to the Official 24 Thread.

This thread is about the show, 24, on FOX network. It is so good that I feel it deserves a discussion thread on it. I know and hope a lot of you watch this show.


So first off lemme kick it off by saying wow. Though it's usual of 24, the two hour premier tonight was beyond intense. And it is the first time I've cringed at a regular broadcast in a long time (hint: knife slowly glides in through kneecap). Lots of new people here. I like the new president Palmer, but I absolutely hate his adviser, Tom. He's such a dickweed. But it's fiction, so I congratulate him on acting good enough for me to hate him, and for me to call him a dickweed.

I was slightly disappointed when Jack was simply "bought" back from China. I didn't understand why China kidnapped him at the end of the last season, and I still don't. Can someone tell me if there was some sort of relevant story content I missed between tonight and last season's finale? Because I know it's fully reasonable that the producers could've thrown in a random Chinese kidnapping to generate interest in the next season.

Another thing I don't understand was why the suicide bomber in the end decided to sit in the very back of the last sub car. Sure it's for continuity's sake, but they could've spent a little more time on that concept and had Jack take care of him in another way. When I first saw Kal Penn I was like "lol Kumarz." But as the time progressed I was thinking "o no Kumarz : (". Once I let go of Penn's earlier (but awesome) roles in various teenage party movies, I started to become impressed, as he seems to fit his role in this show pretty well so far.

End potential Spoilers.

So yeah, questions are always answered in the upcoming episodes, but I'd like to use this as a speculation thread. Let us 24 viewers rejoice in a new season. Jack Bauer is a true American hero, and I sorta wish he kept the rugged facial hair.

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