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Kingdom Hearts - Hand In Hand- Or Others!

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Hey! Ive noticed that there are only two Kingdom Hearts remixes on the site. Although they are awesome, it'd be great to see a few more. I dont want to sound rude, but could someone do another remix? I have absolutely no musical talent at all =/ If I had I'd do it myself XD So yeah....

My favourite would be a remix of Hand In Hand. Not sure how you would do it, but it would be great if anyone could!!

If not, any other song would be great!!!

Thank you in advance =D


I feel you man. I've always wanted to hear more of the Kingdom Hearts songs remixed. The way I see it, many of the songs in the game stand alone well enough, but there are a few that would sound good. End of the World's music (I want to say Destati, but I'm not sure if that's right) comes to mind, and Traverse Town as well. Although again that brings me to the point of what exactly could be done with them that would sound alright? If I didn't suck so bad musically, and had access to some kick ass programs, I'd attempt it, but as it is, I hope that a cooler artist out there will seize the opportunity.

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