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*NO* Unreal Tournament 'Hat Trick' *RESUB*


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Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5075

Remixer name: SuicideKai

Real Name: Kai Brooks

Email: cpl.kai@gmail.com

Website: http://ajare.org/

UserID: 17111 (SuicideKai)

Game Name: Unreal Tournament

Song Name: Foregone Destruction

Remix Name: Hat Trick

Link to Remix:

Link to Original: http://mindsdesire.net/ocr/foregone.it

Remix comments: This was made entirely with Live 6. I tried to incorporate some of the original "feel" of the song, how it goes from calm, to action, to back to calm again, as well as some of the spacey arpeggios in the beginning before the action starts. It's the feeling of just floating through space, seeing the world above you... and then noticing someone running away way with your flag.

Judges Notes: This is from UT classic (1999), not 2003 or 2004.

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This is definitely better than the last version - it has a much better intro and is more engaging. However this is borderline for me, as there are some issues that unbalance the whole mix:

*Kick is too loud imo

*Some sections too full sounding, due to mixing (ie 1.24-1.36), not due to the amount/complexity of sounds.

*Repetitiveness of the main melody, which was offset in the original by being lower, less frequent and having an extremely variant drumbeat.

I have no qualms if this passes, but I don't think it's quite there. It's not as far from the bar as the last sub though.


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Unreal Tournament OSV - "Foregone Destruction"

Pretty loud for the intro. I liked the volume, but quickly realized that if the track got any louder, it would start to get grating. Indeed, the soundscape sounds full because of the mixing, but not because there's much complexity in the part-writing. The beatwork is annoyingly simple during the main melody, and the melody itself is simplified compared to the original.

There's nothing wrong with simplification as an aspect of rearrangement, but there has to be compensation made in some other way. For the length, the track was very underdeveloped on the arrangement side, and the part-writing needed to be further fleshed out. Malc hit the issues nicely in his vote, and I agreed with his points all the way.


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I recognized the original immediately. Next thing i noticed was that the bass synth is really muddy. At 1:05 the balance is really bad. that synth..harmony i guess...you know, the only one that you can hear: not only is it way too loud, it's ugly as sin too. Track gets amazingly more enjoyable once it leaves. And then gets amazingly less enjoyable when it comes back.

I can't get past that. start there. change that instrument. it sucks. balls out.


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