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*NO* Street Fighter Alpha 2 'God of Muay Thai'


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Contact Info:

Remixer Name: Rivek

Real Name: Aaron West

eMail: rivekthefallen@gmail.com

UserID: 14313

Remix Info:

Game: Street Fighter Zero 2

Song: Adon's Theme

Original: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/adon-alpha.mid fairly decent composition. Actually listed as being from SFZ1, but its the same song on both and you already have SFZ2 in your database...

My Comments:

This is the first mix I've ever submitted, but about the 5th in scrapped attempts to get something up to code. This is only the second mix I've ever come up with to see the light of day and the first one I feel confident about submitting... so rest assured there has been a lot of time, effort, ups, downs, learning the ropes and related etc. involved in this mix. I decided to remix this tune because it always seemed to fit the SFZ graphic style and action better than any other on the soundtrack, and the melody itself strikes a chord (no pun intended) with me personally. This is one of those songs that just hits me in the gut and makes me feel good. In the remix I stuck to the main melody of the original in the piano work, save for an improvised section in the middle and some random deviation near the end. In this way I felt I achieved a comfortable balance between the familiar and the daring, and the overall minimalism is something I enjoy. Hope you dig.

The Remix:

Thanks for your time, guys.

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The source melody has been quite closely stuck to here, as the remixer has pointed out. However, because of that, more originality has to come from other elements of the mix, and there are not many here, due to the mix being so sparse. The minimalism is taken to extremes in certain places, ie sections 1.41 - 2.03 has hats and piano and not much else, and silent sections such as 2.16 - 2.18 make the listener feel as though the song might have already finished. Minimalism does work, but this mix doesn't have a groove, has very thin textures, plodding drumbeat, and lack of dynamic arrangement.


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Street Fighter Zero 2 Capcom Game Soundtrack - (209) "Stage Adon"

Oh shit, you arranged Adon Stage. The Sega Saturn remix version of that stage in SFA1 was one of my personal favorites from way back in the day. You already get lots of points for that, though my expectations are HIGH. Tough to figure out where to go with such a kickass original like this.

Aside from the melody near-vebatim on piano, there's just some sparse drumwork and a thin, gated rhythm that doesn't fill anything out here; track's empty as hell. 1:40 adds some tradeoffs with a warm but solitary synth and the piano, before harmonizaing the two at 2:02. Cymbals at 2:14 are just lonely and exposed; why even bother using them only once, like that no less?

Some more involved interpretation starting from 2:24-2:47, but BRIEF and nothing substantial before basically going back to the same straightforward ideas from before, only now with the pad in the back. Ending at 3:33 was sudden, and a poor resolution.

Tons of dead space here, and not enough interpretation of the source melody. That's just not gonna cut it. You picked some good stuff to arrange, I'll give you that. If you aren't doing so already, use the Works forum for fan feedback and the ReMixing forums for more help at fleshing out your sounds and improving your arrangements.


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the piano intro is very bare. there's no velocity variation, and the sequencing is mechanical. This problem persists through the track, and the piano often plays parts that are unlikely to be played live. All i can say other than that is the composition is very sparse and doesnt really go anywhere. Needs more ideas to be engaging. too much space.


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