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Think you've got a modicum of talent?

Are you a composer who would like to see a little green for your efforts?

Or just plain looking for a challenge?

Well then this is your lucky day! The Ferret needs help!

As some of you may or may not know, I love to write. The downside to that is the utter lack of inspiration that can strike when the mood has finally been gained to put words down on page or file. We all suffer from it, but those of us with a story to tell are plagued by it.

I have here fifty track names, that have no music associated with them. My request is this. Pick a track, make music for it. Any style, any length (preferably at least 2 minutes long, no more than six minutes length is necessary). This is all completely voluntary, no purchase required to participate.

After three tracks are received I'll start posting paragraphs and chapters here in the forums, in a specially-created thread. Plagiarists need not read; I will of course have the original document saved on my computer with date created being no less than five minutes before the post goes up on the forums.

The track list is as follows:

01 - Tightly Bound

02 - A World of Contradictions

03 - Storyteller

04 - Peaceful Life in the Big City

05 - Don't Even Think About It!

06 - What Happened?

07 - Double-edged Sword (fighting)

08 - We Survived (victory ver.)

09 - Far Away from Home

10 - Somebody New

11 - I am not your friend

12 - Run for it!

13a - Fun and Games

13b - Fun and Games (dark ver.)

14a - Hell (Master conflict ver.)

14b - Hell (Gravity version)

15 - But at what price?

16 - Foreign City

17 - Lemurian Underworld

18 - Voyagers All

19 - Out There Alone

20 - Time Chamber

21 - Relentless Soul (guardian battle)

22 - Fearful

23 - Master Conflict (against a great beast)

24 - Burst into tears (sorrow)

25 - I Will Vanish (dead)

26 - We Survived (Narrow Escape)

27 - On the Other Side of Here

28 - Lemurian Mysteries

29 - Mass-produced Hero

30 - Drop Zone (Aerial battle)

31 - Ominous

32 - When God Himself Speaks

33 - Preempt

34 - DOOM

35 - With a Towel Covering One's Eyes

36 - The Answer to a Question Never Asked

37 - And Thus did they Fall

38 - Reckless Fool

39 - And now a word from our sponsor

40 - End of the World

41 - Return of the ARK

42 - Where the Ancients Walk

43 - An Evocation

44 - Daring and Prowess

45 - Return of the World

46 - Flight Within the Beast

47 - Damaged Heart

48 - The Final Song

49 - Turning a Page

50 - Tightly Bound (reprise)

Those who are interested in trying one out for size can either post here in this thread with the track name they like best, or they can PM me with the subject line Volunteer Work. I'm perfectly willing to come to a deal regarding if you want something in return (it just depends on what it is).

Anyone who wants to get paid, well, I can't really offer that much per track (a CD with ten songs on it sells for under $20 USD after all) but I'll see what I can come up with. It'll probably end up being something like $10 per finished song.

Thanks for viewing this thread!

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