Ghost64 Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Hello OCers! My name is Ghost64 host of OLRadio. I am currently running a small remix project and was wondern if anyone here would care to join in? I'm just gonna post the rules here: Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to remix one or more songs from Sonic 3D Blast! Some might ask, why remix THIS game? True, the game had horrible gameplay as many 3D Sonic games do... But the soundtrack itself was fantastic! I enjoyed every track in the game, some more than others however, and would love to see this remixed. One thing you must know is that there are two different soundtracks to this game, this is because there are 2 different systems this game is on. (PC and Mega Drive) Ok well to make this simple, here are the rules: You can download the origanal tracks here: Mega Drive: NOTE: Not all the songs work! Spring Stadium 2, and Invincibility (PC) are glitchy. The list of songs to be remixed and how are: 1-Title Screen/Game Over/Ending Movie/Continue (PC) 2-Green Grove Act 1 and 2 (PC) 3-Boss/Final Boss (PC) EC's thinking about remixing this one. 4-Rusty Ruin Act 1 and 2 (PC) 5-Spring Stadium Act 1 and 2 (PC) 6-Volcano Valley Act 1 and 2 (PC) I might remix this... 7-Diamond Dust Act 1 and 2 (PC) 8-Gene Gadget Act 1 and 2 (PC) I am remixing this. 9-Panic Puppet Act 1 and 2 (PC) 10-Special Stage (PC) 11-End of Level/You're My Hero (Credits) [Vocal] (PC) Escariot and someone else possibly remixing this already 12-Menu (MD) 13-Green Grove Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 14-Boss Part 1 (MD) 15-Rusty Ruins Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 16-Spring Stadium Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 17-Invincibility (MD) 18-Invincibility (PC) 19-Special Stage (MD) Already remixed! 20-Volcano Valley Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 21-Boss Part 2 (MD) 22-Diamond Dust Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 23-Gene Gadget Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 24-Panic Puppet Acts 1 and 2 (MD) 25-Final Boss (MD) 26-Opening/Ending (MD) 27-Staff Credits (MD) That's 27 in all, and remember: This is obviously not the order they will be in. BE SURE to remix BOTH ACTS 1 AND 2! Also: PLEASE PLEASE! NO BROKEN LINKS WHEN POSTING REMIXES. Extra Remixes for tracks are always accepted though they may not appear in the actual project itself. Thats pretty much it. Thanx for your time, and have fun with it! I would appreciate every attempt, I really dont wanna see this project die. If you're intrested please contact me either through email, or the forum: FORUM: (That forum is kind of new as you can probably see) EMAIL: Anyhoo, that's all for now, hope to see some of you in this project!
SnappleMan Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Another n00b trying to gain OCR fame by announcing a project that's gonna crash and burn... just stop Also, how is it "small" when it has 27 tracks?
Escariot Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 How many tracks is each remixer limited to? EDIT: CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL
zircon Posted April 25, 2007 Posted April 25, 2007 Please review the album project guidelines. You should ideally already have *five* ReMixers who are interested before posting about your project. After that point, you should post in Community Discussion, not ReMixing. On a personal note, there are far too many site projects at the moment. Even the major ones like Voices of the Lifestream and Summoning of Spirits are suffering from lack of activity. There are at least 6 other projects underway besides those two. Please do not start another one right now unless you've got a kick-ass concept with great mixers just DYING to remix songs for you. Topic locked.
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