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Guess I'll give you some feedback then, seeing as no-one else takes the time to do so:

00:00 - 00:24 I like the way you've given your own twist to the almost obligatory FF-arpeggio's, it might be a cool idea to have them panning from left to right, to add some juice

00:24 - 00:41 I like where this is going, the synth chords that come in sound really cool, and provide a really nice build-up, definitely keep this in.

00:41 - 01:12 If I may speak freely, the synth patch playing the main melody ( or one of them, seeing as it's probably layered) is extremely annoying, and draws away a lot of attention of the melodic and rhythmic context. Please consider using a patch that doesn't "cut through" as much. Also, as this seems to be the main part where the rhythm picks up, I'd suggest using a bass drum/kick drum sample with much more OOMPH, to accentuate the 4/4 Rhythm that is typical for these kind of techno/ trance songs.

01:12 - 01:44 Nice little break/bridge, but the transition to the next part still seems a bit sudden, you might want to progressively add more melodic and rhythmic elements to build up the tension, you could for example take the synth chords from 00:24 and have them fade in, and maybe change up the drum steps a bit (more).

01:44 - 02:15 I like the bell-like/chimey patch you're using, I just want to hear more of that bass-drum! :D

02:15 - 02:32 Same criticism about the synth patch here, even though it does seem to fit in better in this part.

02:32 - End No criticism here, you've done a good job of building the mix down and made a nice ending, but maybe you could have the final piano chord linger on just a bit longer with some delay, would be a nice touch


Arrangement is pretty cool, i like rhythmic changes in the melody towards the end. Production is a bit hit and miss, in places its nice, and in others it isn't. Stuff like those crashes are a bit exposed, they sound really uncomfortable.

At 0:57 you have bass parts playing chords, this never usually works out well, it just muddies things up. That lead sound is a bit annoying, but I agree it works better at the end.

Also, if you're going to submit it, use a better host.

Hrm... I'm not sure this is solid enough production wise. Have you considered asking a judge directly what they think of it, because this is pretty bordeline if you ask me. It's definately getting there.

No I havn't really thought of that yet, but now that you mention that, and since other people are saying they like it I midaswell talk to a judge.

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