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This is the first full mix I've ever done and I'm looking for some guidance. It's a remix (actually, it's a pretty straight version) of the Night Highway theme from Snowboard Kids 1 (with some Big Snowman thrown in in the middle). The only people who have heard this at all are my friends, and being such nice guys I can't really trust them to give me honest opinions, so they told me I should post it up here.


Here's the mp3. I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for here, mostly tips/critiques on composition, production and such. I did this in FLStudio 7, but I don't have the flp file anymore and I don't use FL, either. I still have a midi version that I've been planning on fixing up in Cubase, although I haven't gotten around.

What I used:

EZDrummer (sent the midi file to my friend and had him send back the drum track since I don't own that)

Hardcore Bass - the Musicman Stingray samples

Guitar Rig 2 with my own homemade preset for the guitars

There's really minimal production on the other things. Just a bit of EQ on the bass and guitars (none on the drums) since I'm not very good at that stuff. So...comments? I know there's a really awkward chord progression in there around 45 seconds. I've already fixed that. And I know the first solo is wank. Spare me :P

(Is this the first SBK remix ever? There aren't any on this site, but what about others?)


Took a listen. I REALLY dont like how alot of things are hard panned to the right.. it really sound weird when its like that.

I like the guitar slashing XD which means, the fast guitar runs.

Its quite repetitive.

Its alright, but it needs ALOT still. Work on it more, and i'll check it out again.

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