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Man i think some1 should make another remix of Hidden Palace Zone.... The one already there is tight but i wanna hear another one like the sampler they have 4 the Sonic project they did......


I kno about the project was released and wat not... but u kno have how gamebox has frozen lava reef... somethin like that.. Secluded Stronghold was alrite but wasnt really wat i was lookin 4.....

I kno about the project was released and wat not... but u kno have how gamebox has frozen lava reef... somethin like that.. Secluded Stronghold was alrite but wasnt really wat i was lookin 4.....

i kno rite the verjin on da projekt is a11 g4y + sh1t da vurzjuun ur look1ng 4 15 1n ur moms an005


HAY GUYZ!!!!111 I HURD on teh intarnuts dat teh fgty fgts hoo made dis projext r sum faegs n liek LOL i dno wut 2 tink of dat cuz liek i r sumwut retard n liek gb2/b/ or smth LOL i so random DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM <----- LOL dat's just me bein random HAY in b4 b& n stuf liek belair ROFL pools close'd n ur al a bunch of FAEGS LOL!!!!!!11~!!


you could always just hook up a cord between your headphones and your microphone port and then go to the site and record it...you'd have it then!
Or you could "guess" the URLs the teaser site's music player uses and download the mp3s that way. :-D

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