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wireless headphones


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Anyone here ever used them? I'm wondering about how.. reliable they are. I.E. Do they glitch and crackle, cut out, anything like that? I'm just thinking it'd be nice not to have wires brushing my neck every now and then, freaking me out. Also, I'd be able to keep listening to music in high quality when I step outside (back porch door a few feet from my computer) for a cig.

So yeah:

A) How well/reliably/consistently do they reproduce sound?

B) If answer to A is an optimistic one, can anyone recommend a closed-ear pair comparable in quality to the (corded) Sennheiser HD-280s or similar?

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I used to have wireless headphones and I used them when I was working out but I didn't think much of the quality. Though, now-a-days I'm sure you could send a higher-bandwidth signal, it's still not going to be any better than say radio/cellphone quality unless it's some really expensive mode of transfer.

I wouldn't do any mixing on them, for sure.

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