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Totaka's Song (as requested)


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Someone requested Totaka's Secret Song in the request section.

I've turned the cute little tune into a orchest/piano version.

I thought I might as well post it in the WIP section cause I'm still tuning it.

But I hope you guys like it... even though it's a probably a bit classical.

Comments are very welcome cause I want to submit it soon after tuning.


-Skrie 8-)

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Pretty nice composition dude. The arrangement feels a lil meandering. You go from one section to the next but why? The sections by themselves sound good but they lack a cohesive feel. Some attention needs to be paid to the overally picture you are trying paint.

:35 the piano and a bass sound are coming out of the left channel while the marcato strings are coming out of the right. It leaves the soundscape feeling very unbalanced. Add in some more layers with harmony and counterpoint to help thicken the textures and soundfield. Some SATB part writing should help the composition to sit better overall.

The marcato strings sound very dry and grating. Also 2 mins of marcato strings can feel very repetative, they tend to loose their emotional presence if over used.

The bass is fairly soft, for a pretty emotional piece the bass needs a bigger presence to help enhance the mood. Some orchestral percussion would really help some of the transitions also. Some Bass Drum and well placed Crashes.

Also raise the volume a lil bit things are a lil soft. :)

Liked the ending piano. Lots of lil things sound good, but the overall picture between flow and mastering/production needs some work IMO. This def has the potential to be a really good song and already has a very classical feel to it.

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Both of you thx a lot for the replies, this is helpfull info.

I know my string composition is lacking.

I'm a fairly accomplished pianist, but where when and how to put

up accompaning strings and stuff is really puzzling.

I'll pay more attention to the overal painting next time.

I had real trouble variating on this tune while keeping things inside a sonata form.

But I'm glad you guys think it's got potential cause I'm pretty new to

orchestral composition, and still have plenty of time to learn.

And to answer ur question, I have no idea under what game to submit this :-)

I guess I'll just pick the one that sounds the coolest ;)

But imho, it's maybe still a bit to messy for a submit I think.

-Skrie 8)

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Awesome start, this could really go places if it got a bit of TLC. :-)

The strings are really dry, and mixed a little off. The bass is way overpowering the rest of the section, and that's not how it should sound. Bring out the violins and violas, and also push the bass a little further back into the soundfield. it's the real culprit for the overly dry strings.

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