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Hip E - One for the Brave Souls (Soul edge - Bravely Folk Song) WIP

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didint really get into the game of soul edge,althou i did really like soul calibur,so i dont recal the original song.However i think you got a nice quality mix going, almost theatrical.


yeah, that was the effect i was going for, hopefully to get the listener to imagine a very moving scene in a movie. I should have a finished mix up sometime, i'm just having trouble finding decent soundfonts for the french horns. (theyre slightly out of pitch on certain notes)


wow, someone posted that this has a very theatrical feel....and it does. I really can picture a moving scene, or like the opening credits for a movie. Im not really familiar with the original game track, but this sounds very good and very REGAL. The only minor quirk for me is when the drum hits, it kind of has an "earthquakey" effect...know what I mean? Im new to the whole mixing thing, so i don't know for sure; but overall it sounds real cool.

(check out my Extreme-G remix located in the works in progress forum. thanks)8-)


Pretty good sounds, though they are waay mechanical in the articulations. You need to humanize them up a good deal; orchestral mixes are difficult to pull off because of this. You can have awesome samples, but they need to sound natural or the illusion is lost.

The levels are way too low because you are cranking the bass drum (annoyingly so, imo), it's sound is interfering with the rest of the mix. Bring it down, and the rest of the mix up.

Something else to think about is that all of the instruments sound overly seperated, like they were all recorded individually. Of course, this is how the software works, but you need to fill the sound to make it sound like the orchestra was all recorded at once.

For arrangement, it seems like the song is on autopilot for most of the track, and doesn't have any rises and falls that are required for interesting orchestral music. Add some crescendos and decrescendos, vary up the bass drum a little and add some additional percussion. Some snares would give the piece a little bit more motion without losing the feel you are going for.

You have a good start, you just need to take it further. :-)


I agree with OA on pretty much all points. Convincing orchestral arrangements are tough to pull off. And this is sooo close to being there. The instruments do sound seperately recorded, and perhaps ghost-notes and subtle complete track reverb could handle this. The bass drum and the symbol crashes are my two pickiest points though. The bass drum's big presence could almost be believable, but does need to be toned down a bit, and in any percussive orchestral instrument you hear the tone clearly. There's almost nothing indicative that the head of the drum is actually being struck. The crashes are a bit too low to be orchestral and have a quick cutoff. They often tend to spike really loud for an isntant and then start to die out it quickly in reality. However, they also reverberate for an extended length, usually close into the next crash. It has great potential to be believable and the overall arrangement is excellent.


cheers for that ey, i'm thinking about starting from scratch with this one, got so many more ideas, and the fl file is just all over the place. but i totally agree with everything you guys say.

but yeah, as with all my mixes, i do them for me, so if someone doesn't like the way i've done something, it's usally a case of tough cookies, unless i agree with the point. so thanks for the input, and you'll probably hear another version of this soon enough, if i have time in between uni and my entertainment company.

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