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PS2 - Disgaea - Request


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I'm actually kind of surprised how long this game has been out that nobody has attempted to 'refresh' its already impressive soundtrack. That's just my personal cry out there to those mixers who's talents precede themselves. One day I'll chip in the monies to afford those systems you use to try my hand at it - simply because magix is severely limited...

Any who, yeah Disgaea. I have an unofficial soundtrack (link) that has been avaliable to people for quite some time. So, go crazy?

They are all in Mp3 format and are in zipped files with...3 volumes! The choices!

Here is the link


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Rockin'! That's kind of why I didn't post a specific song I wanted remixed, simply because any at this point would be faintworthy. Lover of the game and to hear it enhanced through OCR...dreamy.

Of course a lover of the Prinny (even have one tattoo'd dood, on my flesh) would love to hear a Red Moon Remix.

...do I hear a project on the air? Dood, ha!

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