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Note: I PMed DJP about this some time ago and never got a response. I figured I'd post it here and see what the community @ large thought.

When I traveled with OCR to the VGL concert this past summer, I was one of many contestants who stood in line to play Space Invaders. The game was being played in an old skool VG cabinet, but it had been heavily modified to have a hard drive which contained several old games. It was pretty awesome.

While standing in line, I was approached by the president of Dream Authentics, the company who created the cabinet and was an official sponsor of VGL. He introduced himself as Rick Barretto, and wanted to know more about OCRemix (he saw I was wearing the shirt). I hadn't yet played the game, so I couldn't leave the line to introduce him to DJP, so instead I emailed him later. He sent the following back:

Hi Jeremy,

How are you?

It was good meeting you at the show also! The DC show rocked!

I will check out the site – I have heard lots of good things about it from Tommy and the gang.

I am also most interested in exploring any potential “link exchange” programs like we have with VGL


Would be interested in bringing awareness to our customers of what you guys are doing and vice versa – like you have the link for VGL on your site. We do regular email blasts, etc…so would also be open to doing some sponsored contests/giveaways for certain products, light guns, game packages, etc…. We have done these type of things before so let me know what you have in mind and would be happy to put something together.

Personally, I think something like this would be damn awesome. Sponsors never hurt anyone, willing ones no less. Any thoughts?


Gotta be skeptical when money is involved. Sponsorship could be a good thing when done well.

Personally, I'm happy with the way OCR is running at the moment, and I don't feel change is necessary. If sponsorship stresses the community here in any way, I am against it.


Change can always be good. The minute we say, "I like everything just the way it is" we lose any possibility for progress and innovation. Plus, I'm sure everyone here could point out at least one thing they'd like to see done differently on the site.

The sponsor is not meant to cause stress. Game companies work with fan sites all the time, so it's not like this would be a huge step. It would take a bit of work to hammer out the details, yes, but it would be worth it.

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