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As of 2007/09/17, this is the current status of Windows Vista 32 bit and 64 bit hardware and software support. Reply with corrections and additions, and this post will be updated to reflect the proper information.

All samplers and VST instruments should work without troubles. Any that do not work will be listed here as we discover them.

Just to note: all 32 bit apps should run properly in 64 bit Vista using the WoW64 32 bit translation subsystem.




Sony ACID Pro 6 - Mostly functional 32 bit, unofficially unsupported. Vista support begins with version 7

Sony ACID Music Studio - 32 bit app

Adobe Audition 1.0 to 3.0 - 32 bit app

Audacity - 32 bit app

Steinberg products, including Cubase 4 - 32 bit app with unofficial 64 bit support. 64 bit support with Cubase 4.1

Fruity Loops - 32 bit app (questionable performance with version 6?)

Ableton Live - 32 bit app, unofficial 64 bit support

Digidesign Pro Tools (incl. HD and Mbox 2) - no official support (in dev)

Propellerhead Reason 3.0, 4.0 - 32 bit app?

Cakewalk Sonar - 32 bit and 64 bit support

Sibelius - 32 bit app

Finale - 32 bit app

Native Instruments, incl. Kontakt 2.0, 3.0 - 32 bit app

E-MU Emulator X2, X2.5, Proteus X2.5 - no support (in dev)

Proteus VX, X LE, all others - no support planned





X-Fi (all products except Xtreme Audio) - full support for 32 bit and 64 bit, possibly some issues with recording

Audigy 2 (all products) - No support planned

E-MU: (http://www.emu.com/support/vista.asp)

PCI and Cardbus interfaces: 0404, 1212, 1616, 1820 - 32 bit and 64 bit beta drivers available

USB interfaces: 0404, 0202 - no support (in dev)

Xmidi 1X1, Xmidi 2X2 - no support (in dev)

MIDI Controllers - no support (in dev)

M-Audio: (all 64 bit in dev) http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support.faq&ID=2b9102ba8e228823582720fb3beba029

MIDI controllers, Audio Interface keyboards, stage pianos - 32 bit ONLY

Trigger Finger - 32 bit ONLY

USB interfaces: Fast Track - 32 bit ONLY

Transit, Mobile Pre - no support (in dev)

FireWire interfaces: betas available, 32 bit ONLY

PCI interfaces: Audiophile - 32 bit ONLY

Revolution 5.1 - 32 bit ONLY

All others: no support (many in dev)


PCI, PCIe interfaces: Hammerfall HDSP, HDSPe - 32 bit and 64 bit support

Firewire interfaces: Fireface 400, 800 - 32 bit and 64 bit support


All Firewire and USB interfaces - no support (in dev)



Cakewalk Studio Instruments




Garritan Products(?)


The one without question marks are ones I've personally tried. The others make no mention one way or the other, but the differences between XP and Vista regarding programs that already run well are, as I understand, minimal.


Cakewalk Studio Instruments




Garritan Products(?)


The one without question marks are ones I've personally tried. The others make no mention one way or the other, but the differences between XP and Vista regarding programs that already run well are, as I understand, minimal.

I can't believe I forgot Ableton. I even have a copy of Live 6 LE floating around somewhere...

Most instruments and samplers should work without any difficulty, since the most significant compatibility issue is related to the new audio engine in Vista; any drivers, or software that needs to access the drivers with low latency are affected. Samplers and instruments that sit above that should not be affected.

I probably didn't need to list Kontakt then, but I'll leave it up there for now.


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