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There is a small effect I use in one of my songs during a breakdown, and LAME and the Radium codec both fuck it up when i encode to 192kbps. Its fine in wave.

Also, why the FUCK do my codecs encode all weirdly if i use a different hertz.

like for example, if i have a 5 min song and i encode at 44.1


5 min song encoded to 22Hz BECOMES A 10 MINUTE SONG AT HALF TEMPO/PITCH

are my codecs cutting corners by just stretching out a 44.1Hz song or some crud?!!?!?! AUGH!G


Because if your source is at 44.1 khz, then it needs to resample it to change the hertz. Otherwise it'll just stretch it out to make it 22.

I use the LAME encoder embedded in SONAR, it has a few sound quality options, if you'd like, I'd be willing to give it a shot, just put the wave somewhere.


If all else fails I could post the wave on my site, I appreciate the offer.

but for now, could i try finding the lame control panel and checking the "resample" option or something like that.

and any thoughts on the weird sample issue in my song? so weird!


ok so i used razorlame and im all ship shape now for the song i was doing

www.siamey.com/music/original/Siamey - Sidewinder.mp3 if you want to check it out. the fx sample that got messed up usually was the crash type thing at :54 hehe

i havent checked out any resampling shit on the razorlame frontend yet though...

Thanks man!

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