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Sonic Adventure 2 "Ad Lucem" (Towards the Light)


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This is an old WIP is started a long, long time ago. I ended up losing it due to a computer screw up, so I had to spend about two months redoing it.

It is a remix of the "Keys the Ruin" or "The Pyramid Cave" theme. I honestly can't describe what genre this would fall under, so I'll let you guys figure that out.:?

I've only have a little over two minutes done so far, but I consider this one to be one of my toughest projects to date.

UPDATE (10/27/07)

Tell me what you think.

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Great arrangement, and the rhythms are fantastic throughout, but that guitar sound is no good; a piece like this demands a real nylon string guitar and anything less just won't cut it.

Nice percussion writing, though the bass drum could use a little more audible prescience. I can feel it just fine, but can't really hear it.

The piano seems kind of cramped and synthetic in it's little corner, give it some delay and a bit of a room sound to make it connect a bit better with the rest of the instruments.

great start though i am digging this; it's just going to hinge on getting a good live guitar sound.

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