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This is my first real request, I think it can be a great remix and I know it's probabilly difficult to make but here's my idea :) .

I was thinking of a remix that would include:

Metallic Mario (from Super Mario 64) http://dunther.altervista.org/music/17_Metallic_Mario.mp3

Metal Crystal (from Super Smash Bros.) http://dunther.altervista.org/music/20_Metal_Crystal.mp3

Metal Battle (from Super Smash Bros. Melee) http://dl1.ffshrine.org/soundtracks/dl/402/987a85/Super%20Smash%20Bros.%20Melee%20Original%20Sound%20Version/51_-_metal_battle.mp3

(and maybe the next metal theme from Brawl :P )

My idea was to start with something like a passing jet sound (from left to right) and then, after a little pause, the sound effect of the green block from Super Mario 64.

I think that this mix can have the same intro of Metal Crystal and then start with Metallic Mario. After a while the intro of Metallic Mario and then, a piece from Metal Crystal. This piece can transform into Metal Battle and then back to Metal Crystal (maybe with Metal Mario notes in the back).

I know it's difficult to understand (probably because of my bad english) so I used a video editing program to make a "mix" with the original tunes, to use as a scheme of my idea: http://dunther.altervista.org/music/Metal_Mix.mp3

Obviously the best style for this mix is something like heavy/trash metal with a raw sound (but with some complex solos maybe) :D , and a little of metallic sounds can improve the feeling that I was thinking this mix must have...

Tell me what do you think please :) .

PS: I hope that one day I'll be able to do remixes on my own ;)


It's really not that hard to learn. From what you've already said, you have the composition already. All that's left is to learn how to use a program that can put it all together. It might take a bit, but it's so much more satisfying to be able to put your own music together the way you want it than ask other people to do it for you and get it only halfway how you want.

It's really not that hard to learn. From what you've already said, you have the composition already. All that's left is to learn how to use a program that can put it all together. It might take a bit, but it's so much more satisfying to be able to put your own music together the way you want it than ask other people to do it for you and get it only halfway how you want.

Well...I've not musical preparation '^^ ...and to do something like that I need someone that knows how to play guitar (but I don't think it's a big problem)...

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