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Yeah the Crysis SP demo has been out for awhile and I haven't seen an official thread on it yet so I thought I'd start one up.

I just downloaded it yesterday and I must say the game looks really good, even at lower settings. However I had a lot of performance problems with it, which I expected but the odd thing was that I ran optimal settings options and it kept most of the settings on high and medium with the resoultion of 1024x768. Also I have been hearing a lot about the demo performing bad even on rigs with very powerful hardware like Nvidia 8800GTX, 4-5GBs of Ram, and Intel Extreme Core Duo CPUs.


Apparently people thing the demo is either glitched, broken, or too demanding.

So to anyone else who downloaded it, what are your thoughts. Is the performing bad, are your PCs powerful enough? Is the game too demanding in hardware?

Here are my specs just in case anyone wanted to know:

Nvidia 8600GTS 256MB

2GB Ram

AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 2.6GHz

It ran pretty good at 800x600 with no AA and everything on medium, but the framerate did get pretty bad in certain areas. The amount of action going on screen didn't seem to affect it. This makes me think it might be glitched but I can't say for sure seeing as system is all that powerful.


From what I'm seeing, sometimes no matter how powerful ur graphics card is, some apps (games especially) won't run as great as they ought to unless the cpu is not being used fully.

Is the game/demo design to take advantage of dual core tech? Crysis it self may actually need something like 3.0GHZ or more to run the ai along with other things that I've not factor in...

example: FEAR recommends a 3.0 GHz CPU to run on full settings. My rig utilizes a 1.86GHz Conroe Dual Core. It looked great and ran rather perfectly but there were times where there would be hang times and had once in a while crashed after long periods of game play.

evidence A: http://fear.dasmirnov.net/info/systemreq.php

evidence B: Crysis System requirements on MINIMUM settings. Further proof it being a CPU issue in your case

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista), Intel Core 2.0 GHz (2.2 GHz for Vista), AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista) or better

RAM: 1GB (1.5GB on Windows Vista)

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) or better

VRAM: 256MB of Graphics Memory

Storage: 12GB

Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible


OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista

DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10

Edit: Holy fucking shit Crysis makes FEAR look like a modest eater of resources...

One game I won't be touching, bootlegged or retail bought...

From what I'm seeing, sometimes no matter how powerful ur graphics card is, some apps (games especially) won't run as great as they ought to unless the cpu is not being used fully.

evidence B: Crysis System requirements on MINIMUM settings. Further proof it being a CPU issue in your case

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista), Intel Core 2.0 GHz (2.2 GHz for Vista), AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista) or better

Well I expected the game not to run so great based on the minimum specs but I doubt my CPU is the problem. My CPU is an AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 2.6GHz Dual Core. My CPU is much better than what the minimum specs are asking for. Either way though, this game is definately demanding power wise. I heard people could barely get it at acceptable performance(average 30 FPS) at anything higher than 1024x768 with no AA on med settings using 8800GTXs and Intel Quad Core Processors.


Ya know it would be funny if the trick I posted in the Portal thread actually alleviate the stagnant fps issue... This is however based on Windows XP, as I'm not sure of its effects on a Vista rig...


A while back I kept getting errors to where when I have the high quality settings turned on for the games they would crash in a matter of minutes.


So in my search to find a solution I found this on another forum which for me actually worked.

--- --- ---

Start Menu > Run > regedit

Surf down to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below:

(Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.)

Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal

192Mb 0c000000 201326592

256Mb 10000000 268435456

384Mb 18000000 402653184

I went with the 384Mb option

Once I was done I made sure to reboot my computer.

--- --- ---

When I tried the game again it ran flawlessly as well as all of the source games.

If any of you guys encounter an error referring to something about DX8 Index buffer or something like that, try that solution as it may help

Maybe the guys that made this game made it specifically so no graphics card on the planet could fully handle it, not even their own, just for lulz.

Everquest 2 all over again.

Everquest 2 all over again.

I hear even the newest graphics cards now are still pushed pretty far by that game.

Even compared to E2 though, just looking at this game from the videos is dizzying.

Ya know it would be funny if the trick I posted in the Portal thread actually alleviate the stagnant fps issue... This is however based on Windows XP, as I'm not sure of its effects on a Vista rig...


A while back I kept getting errors to where when I have the high quality settings turned on for the games they would crash in a matter of minutes.


So in my search to find a solution I found this on another forum which for me actually worked.

--- --- ---

Start Menu > Run > regedit

Surf down to this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below:

(Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.)

Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal

192Mb 0c000000 201326592

256Mb 10000000 268435456

384Mb 18000000 402653184

I went with the 384Mb option

Once I was done I made sure to reboot my computer.

--- --- ---

When I tried the game again it ran flawlessly as well as all of the source games.

If any of you guys encounter an error referring to something about DX8 Index buffer or something like that, try that solution as it may help

What is this supposed to do exactly. I know what the result is but how does doing this achive it? Are there any negative effects?

Also Crysis kind of reminds me of Doom 3 as well. When the Doom 3 came out there wasn't a graphics card avialable that could run that thing on max. Thats why I couldn't get the game till 3 years after its release because I finally had something that could run it. Maybe the same will happen with Crysis.


Well from what I understood about the trick, it had something to do with memory management. In my case, after applying the trick it allowed my source based games be playable with high vid quality settings with no crashing...

I honestly can't explain it fully well as some one else who may know more about the issue, but I do know I haven't experienced any negative effects from it.


I recently played the demo of Hellgate: London, which is also a good game, but before I did I got prompted to download a patch directly from the microsoft site. It was a fix for a virtual memory problem and it listed Crysis and Hellgate as 2 specifics games where you could run into this problem. Well, I downloaded the fix and played both games just fine.

Hellgate isn't that demanding in the first place and I was able to run everything on max. My current setup is Windows Vista 32-bit, 4 gigs of RAM, Nvidia 8800 Ultra, and Creative X-Fi sound card.

I was able to run Crysis at 1280x1080 or whatever the number is resolution with all the other settings on High with no framerate drop whatsoever. However, I was not able to run on Very High settings with the same success.

So, on one side of it, people may be running into the memory problem I talked about eariler, but at the same time, this game is quite demanding.

With that said though, the demo was a very good experience. For those who have Vista and run Direct X10, you know just how good this game looks. This game's single player will give Half-Life 2 a run for it's money I predict. Don't get me wrong though, I love Half-Life 2. Basically, don't give up on Crysis yet, the game is going to be the start of the next generation of shooters along with Call of Duty 4.


Are you guys on vista? Because on XP with the "dx10 features" running I can play the demo pretty much maxed out without any problems.

Pentium 4 550 (3.4ghz hyperthreading, prescott core)

2x1gb DDR2-800

8800gts 640 OC2


For those vista users that may still be having performance problems, running the game in DX9 mode actually helps out quite a bit. I was able to bring the resolution back up to 1024x768 and it still runs good with a steady framerate. It also didn't look any different to me. I don't know if this be will same for the full game.

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